Why do we just accept that our boyfriends/husbands look at porn? : TwoXChromosomes
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>make it seem they need it
>they do it to feel manly
>men 100 years ago weren't horny at all actually
It's funny watching women try to work out male sexuality without violating the ideology that requires them to trivialise male sexuality. Even if it's stupid, maybe s*x has some actual meaning for men? But if you admit to that then you'd have to make some concessions of course rather than have everything your own way to the level of thought crime.
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Foid status? Owned!
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I think men just used to r*pe a lot more tbh
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I actually think r*pe was rare relative to common belief. If you think about the environment that people would live in, it would either be in the local tribe or the local village and everyone would know everyone. So you refrain from doing shitty stuff to the local women because otherwise she tells her dad and her brothers and then they come and find you
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For as much as people complain about a "two-tier" justice system these days where the rich are relatively sheltered from the consequences of their actions, it was FAR worse in the past. Not even close.
I'm sure a rich and powerful man could get away with raping several women with no real consequence. But I don't think that was the case for the average "everyman" farmer.
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Actually there were systems to prevent female abuse. Martial abuse and lord r*pe stuff was big scandal. Back in middle ages in europe.
Slave period of south was time when man could have his way willy nilly.
No idea how it was in muslim world. Nobody cares abiut rest of asia. You cant r*pe bug people
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Yeah. R*pe was more common from travelers and soldiers imo who didn't have to worry about repercussions.
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Arguably still the case in the present.
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Yeah. In shithole countries nowadays male feminists in a small community can only really get away with r*pe if they marry the girl
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Where drafted soldier went whores and dancers got bands
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