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This girl started having kids as a teenager, had 4 by the age of 22, her boyfriend was an alcoholic and she lived off of the government.

And, I've met so many women here who were pretty much exactly the same, staying in borderline abusive relationships, and not able to actually provide for their children.

as expected :marseynooticeglow: frick hawaii. :chudspin: so much of their economy comes from money generated by tourism and the military industrial complex while they live in corrugated sheet metal shitholes, drinking themselves stupid while mooching off the government neetbux. but they still have the audacity to b-word all day about how evil yt is. :marseydisgust:

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"poors shouldn't have kids"

"why aren't my :marseywhite: breeeding?"

yeah maybe because they're materialistic fricks dumbbutt

they live in corrugated sheet metal

ain't nothing wrong with that :marseyindignant:

!pinoypride !latinx

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Living in favelas is bad akshually.

Latin Americans have a very low fertility too, no one is popping 4-5 kids anymore, 2 is already considered a lot.

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Pinoys, Indians and Africans will inherit the Earth.

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India's fertility rate is under 2.1 one and rapidly falling. Philippines is just slightly above 2.1 and it will not take long before it falls too.

It's over for all lol.

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Africa :marseyshapiro:

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Brazil is hitting a fertility rate of 1.4 this year.

Colombia reached 1.2

And Chile hit 1.17 last year.

Mexico and Peru hit 1.8

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This is true, Mexican birthrate dropped sharply. Went from 6.8 per woman in 1960 to 1.8 today.

This is why most malthusian arguments are r-slurred. Even places like Saudi are only 2.8, Palestine was 6.2 a few years ago but dropped to 3.38.

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Brazil's fell to 1.4 lol, last year only 2.5 million people were born in Brazil, that's the lowest number since the 1950s. Peak birth happened in the 1980s when 4 million babies were born per year.

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I think a lot of Burgers just don't have s*x, they got sucked into the Japanese model of gayming and watching slop. In Latin America I know people have s*x but it's pretty common for a poor foid to get Depo Provera ASAP

Countries are going to have to incentivize parenthood in the future if they want to maintain the population, you really can't even lean on immigration long term.

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What incentives even work? SK and various European countries have implemented tax breaks, stipends, better benefits for families etc and nothing has made a difference so far.

There has to be a culture shift on a larger scale... Much of this is socially determined rather than being about economics.

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Good question, I think it's the result of the panic in the 80s that they began teaching that having a kid while young would ruin their lives forever and how awful it was to be a parent. I assume some form of this spread to other nations per the efforts of the WHO.

Unfortunately it worked too well. We can't even be replaced by immigrants because they stopped having kids, too.

You could reverse course and show why having kids is desirable (fulfillment, happiness, social responsibility) and offer Singapore like incentives. I think they pay 25k for a kid.

I honestly think fighting atomization is the key. At least in the US, too many people withdraw from life.

Other countries have tried direct payments to parents: Russia began offering a one-time sum of about $7,000 to families with more than two kids, while Italy and Greece have experimented with per-child “baby bonuses.” In 2019, Hungary introduced a loan of around $30,000 to newlyweds. If they have three children, the loan is forgiven.

Public-education campaigns have also emerged, essentially begging people to reproduce. In Copenhagen, for example, a 2015 poster asked, “Have you counted your eggs today?” In 2012, the Singaporean government partnered with Mentos to release a rap video encouraging couples to “make Singapore's birth rate spike.” (“Only financially secure adults in stable, committed, long-term relationships should participate,” the campaign clarified.)

So far, most countries have tried either asking people nicely to reproduce or sweetening the deal with money. If that doesn't work, however, restricting people's reproductive choices may be on the table, especially in more autocratic regimes. In Iran, where the government in the 1990s made birth control cheap or free in an effort to curb population growth, authorities are now cracking down on abortion and contraception as part of a drive to boost births.

Regardless, it will probably work out okay by attacking the other end of the population cycle, they're already trialing drugs to target senescence. Automation will also require less human labor, so we might all be fewer in number and sharing a bigger pie. It might end up being a smaller, very wealthy population, as opposed to the /r/collapse prediction of climate refugees and living in a pod. Society is going to change more, though, and those of us who end up here for an extended stay might get some culture shock.

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Regardless, it will probably work out okay

I'm more worried about the social lives of the next few generations than extinction or economic collapse. At least there will still be Church, I guess.

And hopefully we can shake the government for some gibs but USA/Philippines are not likely to start that soon. :marseysob:

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In Brazil people are forming families later in life just like in Burgerland. I can't speak for the poorcels (apparently many poor foids get sterilized), but I'm 27 and most middle class to upper middle class people I know around my age (25-30) are not married nor do they have children. I think only 2 of my former female High School mates have kids (one of them hit the wall pretty hard and looks late 30s already lol), and none pf the moids have kids.

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This would be true if the decline seemed to be temporary but it really just looks like people are eschewing family life entirely. You could explain a ten year dip as the result of a generation choosing not to have kids until later, but fertility rates have been in decline for decades.

Only so long you can wait before it stops being possible.

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