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I'm guessing two months ago one of her friends that she thinks is uglier got wifed up by a rich guy and she melted down.

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Lmao every time

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>utilize divorce to systemically ruin men for decades

>make being a disloyal whore with massive entitlement issues the girlboss thing

>why won't scrotes marry anymore and keep us as long term GFs REEEEEEEE


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It's kind of funny that feminists psyoped women into thinking marriage was for men's benefit

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if it were for men's benefit, women would be the ones who propose to men. think about why most women would feel uncomfortable doing this and it's clear that deep down they get it, they're just in denial.

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She spends more time describing her skincare routine than the chores she has to do around the house. You can already tell she lives in a pigsty :marseypig:

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Third most disgusting female home i have seen was woman who had ungodly ammount of makeup. She was emo or goth. It was long time ago so im not sure amymore what period it was. But all black clothes. High heeled boots. Corsets. Full expensive get up all the time.

In her bedroom. She has big makeup tabel full of stuff. Makeup. Skincare. Perfume. Everything. Just covered on that stuff. She also had that stuff in bathroom and in her bed.

But rest of her apartment. Full of stuff. Imagine ammount of clothes women like that owns. Now throw them all on floor around bed.

For some reason. All of her walls and kitchen were covered on some greasy substance. They were sticky. Non of us knew why.

Only explanation i got was from my brother. Aperently boiling coof medicent to make some sort of diy drug was thing back then. Stuff you boiled away was sticky and left everything sticky.

We visited that apartment as part of renovation project. We ended up washing all the surfaces with some extra strong stuff and all the wall got painted. Expect bedroom. We didnt touch that beocuse we weren't sure if there were parasites living in that pig stew.

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>disgusting home


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:marseycheerup: it's ok. You have to make sacrifices to achieve your goals. Are you truly unwilling to clean up the house to get a goth wife?

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My friend's sister is legit a remarkably beautiful foid and had the worst room I've ever seen (and smelled).

So many clothes on the floor it blocked the door and you could smell it from the hallway :marseysniff:

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Most dosgusting foid and room i have encountered in real life was one of most attractive woman i have ever met. 19 year old (i was 21 then. I didnt know about 25 stuff yet) she was gym bunny. Most amazing butt ever. Not just plum butt but whole region. Small hip mut deffined down to knees. Good tits. Amazing cute face and smile. Good hair and bubly presonality.

But she smelled revolting. Bad body oddor mixed in with cheep supermarket bulk vanilin perfume. I wasnt sure if she washed herself or her clothes or just nuked herself with cheep prefume.

And her room. She had been in that place for few months and it was garbage pile. Everything she owned was spread around the room. She had dirty dishes in her bed. Everything smelled like mold and cheep prefume. I had to bail out becouse she was too disgusting. I didnt even want to frick her becouse i didnt want to find out how bad she would smell all nude. And that was from mind of 21 year old guy sleeping on mattres on floor.

And for my knowledge. She didnt have any issue. She just moved away from home. Started university. Had hobbies. Friends and everything.

Just pure slob

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I fricked one who had worms in her walls

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Have some stantard king

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She would take it up the butt, though

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>woman with worms in wall

>let me put my peepee in her poop hole


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Alcohol + erection = Dumb Stuff

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What kind of bug did you get?

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None, fortunately. I was full of enough alcohol around her nothing could infect me.

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I would have powered through that

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You need jesus

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And i assume is a pig.

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I'm so sorry that men made her do all those things.

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>we dont need no man

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She thinks getting ready in the morning is a full time job… I can do this too.

>Wake up at 6:00

>Clean cat litter and pour water and food for pets

>clean up beard

>Wife is making coffee unless she has an early meeting, then I have a white monster :marseyboomer:

>Pick which colar shirt I'm gonna wear with jeans.

>Throw in a Zyn pack around 7:00, have to choose between citrus or spearmint

>Decision fatigue from my minor choices sets in

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>Decision fatigue from my minor choices sets in

Just wait until you get to work. :marseyboomer:

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clean your room and wash your kitty

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u go gurl

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:quote: it's so unfair that i (pink) choose to do all of these (pink) things no one is (pink) forcing me to do! :quote:

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Patriarchy maxe her do them

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Has she tried not being a neurotic mess?

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>"Has she tried not being a foid?"

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you can literally just not do any of this lmfao

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From the title I thought she was going to talk about raising kids but I should have known better. The only thing this b-word is raising is a yeast infection

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Reported by:
  • Freak-Off : "Detransitioning" is hate think. Fricking Bigot

He could always detransition if he doesn't like it.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Reported for bigotry.

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Hello newfriend how are you today?

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Do foids really? :marseylaugh:

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>Women dont wear makeup for men, chud! We do it because we like it!

>UGH why does the patriarchy force me to do 2 hours of tiktok skin routines???


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This is the Real Mental illness of :marseytrain2:ing out. Why the FRICK would any man want to become that?

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>Being a woman is hard

>Spend 2 hours on luxury beautification every morning


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Literallyme foid phonetype

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>rinsing the conditioner after washing your face

Rookie mistake, this gets oily conditioner residue on your face. No wonder she's miserable.

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when i finally find an outfit, i realize i wore it last week so i can't wear it again. i pick out a different one.

i know this is probably a :marseytrain: but this kind of thinking is seriously extremely foidbrained lmao, no man ever worries about this shit and the ONLY people who will EVER comment "didn't you wear that last week??" are other women

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I'm very much doubting the boss's boss and the coworker commenting on her (or 'her') frizzy hair are men. Everything except carrying pepper spray she's either doing for herself or for other women whose disapproval she doesn't want.

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good morning

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Somebody needs :marseyspecial: to crack :marseylaugh2: that egg:#pooner:

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Has she tried to be lesbian?

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The answer to all of your problems is lesbianism.


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