Bill Maher is a libertarian and a creep: Twitter discusses how fricked up it is that he offered the 21-year-old child who is famous for awkwardly discussing with a stranger how to give weird head a job discussing s*x

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Rdrama :marseylovedrama: libertarians in the comments acting like a 21 year old child :marseypedoshoot: (4 years below age of consent!) would :marseywood: be mentally :marseyloopy: okay after this interview. Need I remind you at this age if you even hear the word s*x your brain :marseyneuronactivation: instantly decomposes and you become a drug addicted :marseyjunkie2: loser?

For shame :marseycry2: :marseydisagree:. Most 21 year olds don't know what s*x is, it was irresponsible to bring it up

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Most 21 year olds don't know what s*x is, it was irresponsible to bring it up

Heck, I'm 29 and I also don't know what s*x is. This guy is a real weirdo!

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it's okay hon, not everyone matures at the same speed. That's why the age of consent needs to be lifted from 25 to 30 for females (female)

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