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Rdrama worldbuilding thread number 3: religion

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In this thread we will determine the pantheons of terra. No example this time but consider who, what, where, and why in you suggestions and try to keep them like how it was in previous threads so I can organize it.

Also if you see problems or I didn't add something or you want a name changed with what we have so far wait because in a few threads we'll have one dedicated to fixing any previous mistakes.


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They worship the Goddess of Drama called Marsey, who is a cat. And Marsey tells her followers to focus on one task to prove their loyality to her and that is to cause as much drama as possible among the people of the realm. So they create deliberate plans to cause as much chaos and groomercord among all groups of races, and countries and communities. Chaos, anger, uncertainty are what fuels Marsey and her followers and this what makes them stronger. Everything that is order and stability and unity is their enemy and they try to destroy it.

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Imagine making this thread.

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ok im imagining i made this thread. now what?

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Keep yourself safe

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ok, now what

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don't forget the !ummah or make nooticing a religion

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Hebrewism (not to be confused with real life religion of the Hebrews- Judaism): An atheistic religion which believes in the afterlife and states that your reward in it is proportional to the amount of money you take with you into the grave. As such this religion incentivises coruption and predatory financial practices, materialistic lifestyle, and then subsequently leaving nothing for your children as you spend all their inheritance on stuffing your own coffin with coins to take into the afterlife.

It is often practiced by merchants and rarely by anyone else

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Also @Lappland will we have a seperate thread for magic systems and the like or should we post all our magic-related stuff in here too?

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Here's how its going :marseysalmaid: to go for the next threads

Literally me (heroes champions and mythology)

Magic systems

redux (telling me what I got wrong :marseydisagree: previously so I can fix it)

Establishing a greater history :marseyww1russian2: (fanfiction)

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It's been over a month now. Is it over?

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Going to get to it when I have the time. Have college, work and a lot of other distractions right now, sorry.

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got it :@lapplandpat:

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There is a community of amazing atheists in hyperborea. They live in concrete boxes and are making themselves extinct

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None of my contributions made it :marseysulk: :marseyrope:

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All of my contributions made it :marseycolorsmug:

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Yeah they did

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Dont see mine either s👎m😓h🖕


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They did? I didn't see my faction in the country list :marseysad: only location that got through was cape of tears :marseysadge:

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I thought I had, I'll add it in a bit.

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The God worshipped by Reddit is High Judge Oaken, the deity of moderation. Oaken communes with his followers through his Archangel, the Behemoth of Garland. This immortal paragon of anti-extremism oversees the Reddit bards as their immutable, unquestionable superior.

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WH40k Imperial Cult.

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Crusaders of Demoppers

A form for all aggressive Races to overthrow their nasty Aristrocats and sacrifice their lazy asses on the bloody altars. Its a pledge to the wrongly executed Prophet Harambe (PBUH)

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Borbits were once a species of normal rabbits until a man driven by lust alone went and screwed a ton of them like all of them creating man-beast hybrid offspring. This man, Luxus (feel free to change this name to something else), is revered as the creator god for the people as he did literally create them. They see s*x as a sacred ritual and follow specific guidelines when copulating; although, they still do so often. I get its a bit explicit, but I mean their bestiary entry literally mentions them breeding a lot and I really like the idea personally.

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Darn, I was too lazy for one thread and the Arslurians got buck broken by elves :marseyitsover:

Oh well, despite being conquered bitches, the Arslurian's have religious practices unique to themselves, dating back to their land's founding. Hundreds of years ago, during the time of their exile from the human realms, the Arslurian migration was led by a human noble woman who took pity on them. The daughter of a pirate king, she and her personal crew aided the Arslurians -- who made for poor seamen. Princess Annie Mae led their fleet to the shores of Arrland and stayed to help with the founding of the colony. She was beloved by all the people and went on many chronicled adventures on the island, before finally returning to the human realms, never to return. Though the Arslurian's quickly forgot the human religions they once shared, stories of Princess Annie Mae became more elaborate over the years, until she became a thing of legend. Today, she is the only deity the Arslurians acknowledge.

Worship practices are varied, and largely informal. During the change of each season, a festival is held in which many theatrical productions are held detailing the life of Princess Annie Mae. Many people who attend these festivals wear costumes that resemble her or the members of her crew. These gatherings also serve as a place in which Princess Annie Mae figurines and art work can be sold and traded in mass. Every Arslurian owns at least one Priness Annie Mae figurine, but most have dedicated shrines to her likeness. Owning the most varied assortment of art work and knowing the largest amount of her lore are ways in which Arslurians compete for social dominance.

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I hope you had chatgpt pen that one fam

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The most powerful and influential religion of all:



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The Cult of the Orange Cat is a must if this is to be a true rDrama campaign.

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They must worship the carp :carpsoyjak:

Each day a person dresses in carp (:carpsoyjak:) and must shout out a random brag to cause drama. Carp brags are pinned on the local notice board...

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Given how carp is an actual race in this it could work. Some coastal area that occasionaly sees them being misguided into believing they are gods.

Considering carps' sense of superiority, maybe they themselves too are misguided believing they are gods

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Can we suggest real gods that exist in the setting? I'm struggling to fit this in any region's religion




A trinity of deities that are related to the main god or similar. Like, they each have control over a set of concepts the main god controls, but they are all much more obscure. Legends say theyve been banished but a few remaining followers can call upon their might

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Yes that's fine

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Also if you see problems

For the legend in the map, please put the numbers on places which are near each other not completely random.

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I can't change that with the map maker I have it assigns them in order of creation

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