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Dramatards and fellow turbo-autists, what do you think is chance that new cRPG comes out after BG3, I say zeroooooooooooooo :marseydeadinside3: :marseydeadinside3: :marseydeadinside3:


there's been slapfights :slapfight: :slapfight: :slapfight: in /r/baldursgate (the subreddit for the original 2 games from 20 years ago) that BG3 doesn't actually have any bearing for the overall health of the cRPG sector of the industry

The common pro-BG3 and pro-Larian belief is that BG3's stunning success will leak into the rest of the cRPG ecosystem in the gaming-spheres, but others do not hold this belief.

It's said that BG3's peerless success is effectively completely isolated to BG3 itself, and will not leak over to the rest of cRPG genre at all, and may even detract from it because BG3 raised the bar to high heaven and back.

The fricking /r/baldursgate mods deleted like all 3 of these threads :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseyrage: so now i have to go by memory; death to jannies

But the summary was that BG3 had the largest budget and development time of any crpg to date, and that it was very accessible to normies because it was 100% voice acted AND cinematically greenscreened, thus enabling normies to bypass reading, and it would be that the largest barrier to normies getting into cRPGs would be the amount of reading required in most cRPGs, not ironically enough the turbo-autist mechanics, at least according to the consensus of the /r/baldursgate strags

Combined with 5E being the least complex system would make it the most accessible cRPG ever for people who dont want to watch 45minute build videos (wimps)

But this also meant that the people drawn into BG3 would not leak over to games like BG1/BG2 - there had been a flurry of posts by people whom had played B3, and subequently tried BG1/2 got wrecked and disappointed and came bitching to the subreddit, which caused endless sneed :marseyshadow: :marseyshadow: :marseyshadow: so the mods banned the topic and removed it also :purerage: :purerage: :purerage:

Other /r/baldursgate regulars also went turbo-autist mode and checked the steam review frequency both before and after the release of BG3 after 3/4 months, and determined there was like zero change in frequency in all major cRPGs, inlcuding Pillars, dragon age, neverwinter ect (because sales figures are not known)

This also caused :slapfight: :slapfight: :slapfight: :bitchslap: which the mods also deleted, holy frick death to jannies :soysnoo2: :soysnoo2: :soysnoo2:


Anyways the steam review frequency thing seemed convincing to me, and i feel like that tracks, most people introduced to BG3 didn't obtain an appetite for cRPGs, they obtained an appetite for AAA fully voiced 3D rpg adventures



what do you strags think @Losercel

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I don't care about your elfshit. The real question is if we'll ever get another KOTOR.

Short answer: No.

Avellone was persecuted :marseycrucified: because he actually had ideas and that made midwits nervous. Nobody is going to try that again for a generation after seeing what he lost.

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I don't give a shit about your KOTOR remake requests. You will just get your version of elder scrolls in space and delude yourself into pretending that a 20 year old system has depth.

What i want is more games with ever rising quality standards.

Something more along the lines of Rachet and Clank modern games in terms of quality scaling.

Even HOrizon forbidden west did a good job.

Elden Ring again revolutionary.

Games need to keep scaling up.

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>KOTOR? What we need is another Horizon game :marseydinosaur:

!r-slurs I kneel :marseykneel:

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I got Knights of the old republic on steam a year ago because everyone sucks its peepee but I couldn't map the controls to my liking:marseybrainlet: I refunded it after like 15 minutes of being annoyed :marseyxd: my laptop isn't good for gaming anyway :marseyindignant:

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He doesn't want a KOTOR remake. He wants another game in the series with good/modern gameplay

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I DUCKING LOVE KOTOR :#marseyletsfuckinggo2:

I fear the combat in a remake would be dumbed down Fallen Order shit though because some people still complain about the heckin dice rolls and it being too complicated.

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coolest grandpa :marseylaying: :marseylaying: my dad would beat me with a belt if he caught me playing games

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is this about pauseable games again

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Yes, it's about good games

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Seeing autists fight over pausable combat over and over has been really weird. Until BG3 I didn't even knew there are people with strong opinions about it and now it feels like you can't take three steps without stumbling over yet another dumb argument.

Everyone with strong opinions on this desperately needs to touch grass :marseygrass:

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lmfao elden ring didnt put a stop to the souls-like goyslop thats being shit out rn. If anything bg3 will force all upcoming crpgs to make companion characters romanceable to satisfy their goon squad audience :marseycoomer2:

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That's a r-slurred comparison, firstly souls likes were already king shit before Elden Ring came out. Also Elden Ring is not that different then other fromsoft games mechanically and even less different then souls likes, on the other hand BG3 isn't even remotely close to the CRPG closest to it, that being WotR. But I will agree with you that this is gonna suck in the long run for CRPG's, literally everything made from now on, other then Owlcat stuff, is going to be a carbon copy of BG3.

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R-slur the comparison is not the point. 'Raising the bar' is never a deterrence, and will never stop smaller teams from recreating aspects of more successful franchises. BG3 was an unexpected success only because it captured the :marseychonkerfoid: market by making romancing companions a big part of the game.

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Romancing companions is not a new concept. Dragon Age arguably did it better. Characters had actual sexual preferences in those games..

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I think you can draw almost no conclusions from BG3's success because it's such an outlier in many aspects. Once a game hits critical mass like that, it basically becomes a self-sustaining hype machine. You can't aim for that, you can't emulate that, you just gotta make a good game and hope it hits.

Like, that one person saying BG was an established IP and that was a factor. Sure, BG was a "big name" in the 90s - when the video game market was miniscule compared to today. Even if I throw in those who know the setting from DND, the amount of people who recognise BG as a big brand is a tiny fraction of those who ended up playing the game.

And that's also why I think it's true that this will do little to nothing to revive the CRPG genre (if it even needs reviving, good riddance lmao). People didn't play BG3 because they just love rolling dice for turn-based combat, they did because it was hyped and pretty and funny and cinematic. It was like Mass Effect set in fantasy medieval times.

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Baldur's Gate 3 was popular with casuals including my ultra normie friend that usually hates turn based games because they make his head hurt.

So if BG3 hit it big by appealing to these kinds of g*mers than your crpgs will only get dumber and whatever you liked from the classics won't be there anymore.

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:marseydoomer: :marseydoomer: :marseydoomer: :marseydoomer: :marseydoomer:

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>The fricking /r/baldursgate mods deleted like all 3 of these threads :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseyrage: so now i have to go by memory; death to jannies

Based jannies. There is no BG3.

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I think that once AI is advanced enough so that voice acting and mocap isn't really needed as much we'll see a ton of similar RPGs come out.

BG3 was great, but I don't see many studios taking that much time and money to create a game like that unless they know it's going to pop off big.

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I don't really care about the industry, but BG3 has given me literally hundreds of hours of play time with my woman, and is generally a spectacular game. I think that normal people care about whether they're having a good time, not whether the game is good for the industry.

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It's a hard thing to have an actual answer to.

You would need to watch the trends on some boring spreadsheets to know the truth.

As for my uneducated opinion. I would expect it to have miniscule impact on the existing audience for cRPG's, it attracted normies that will bounce off of most other games in the genre (except DoS 2 I guess, since it's BG3 prototype in some ways). Some people willing to forgo the streamlining will stick, but those are the exceptions.

I don't know how it's going to impact new cRPG games, what are they going to replicate? Bigger budget? That's seems a bit hard to do. Maybe studios with less money will be incentivized to try using AI voice generators, since the technology is here (not sure about the legal framework though), since voice acting is one of the main selling points for the more accessible cRPG games.

My answer is, I don't know and I'm pretty sure no one knows.

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Rogue Trader just came out....

Just have to wait a few more months for them to fix it i guess?

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Despite the success of BG3, I've seen articles saying 24 is the year of the Disco-like, which... eww. Disco Elysium wasn't terrible, but I don't need a whole crop of games now where my dexterity skill tells me to pickpocket somebody because lol.

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Don't care about ur g*ymer shit, post trussy

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God forbid we make cRPGs more accessible to the general public

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Cleve's next game is indev :marseythumbsup:

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