The worst Happiest Apocalypse play session on youtube

Dude weed lmao

The Happiest Apocalypse on Earth - YouTube
An update to my idea session for the Happiest Apocalypse on Earth

Normally I’d just give myself a sticky award but I need to post here to keep the hole active anyway.

All my 4chans post on the Happiest Apocalypse on Earth

Each of my posts is going to be an individual post because lazy

Thought’s on this game? Basically it’s Disneyland if Mickey Mouse was the devil. I love the concept but I don’t think my players would go for it.

What would an rdrama tabletop game look like?

what kind of setting would it be???

what mechanics would it have

what would its classes be???

would houses be involved at literally all???

is carp a villain in world???

omg! would it devolve totally into an erpg???

um how neurodivergent would its character creation be???

whats marsey doing??? but its whatever

Today's Bolt Action Game :marseyembrace:

Finland, Italy, and Germany versus some bongs. Top of turn two. Gonna upload more photos as I drink.

The tubbo in the corner is not me. He's a fat friend.

Deal, cope seethe whatever.

Tg sucks now

fellas, is it safe to play a tabletop game without everyone involved first acknowledging their bigotry?

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I have decks for almost every format on Arena but regular Brawl because who tf plays that.

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Yu-Gi-Oh Sealed Duel


A tournament would be fun but i doubt i can find more than 3 people to do this so currently this is a 1v1 best of 3.

We will open 64*-100 Master Packs, construct a deck using only the cards we acquired this way. No rerolls.

We will use the free pack simulator. Just use this page

The site will show you all the cards you opened, save a picture and the YDK file. The picture is convenient but it will be like 50MBs, you can upload the YDK file to recheck your cards on site later.

We will either duel in Duelingbook or YGO Omega.

Duelingbook is a completely barebones web browser manual simulator. You will have to resolve cards yourself like in the IRL game. Just create an account using a tempmail.

If you think manual play would be too hard we can use YGO Omega. You have to download and install it, its a bit bulky, but it will be completely automatic.

You can decide the time of the duel at your own convenience.

*addendum: 100 packs seem more logical so we can create decks with some sort of synergy. I couldn't be assed to redo the screenshot so I'm doing this in writing. Open to extra suggestions.

I just read through the Happiest Apocalypse on Earth

They really needed to settle on a tone here. It’s more goofy Evil Dead horror than the eldritch eeriness I was promised by the cover.

If I ran the game I’d play up the eerie sadness of Mr.Mouse . He kills guests and then brings them back to life after a few days.

Because he just wants friends. He rewrites their memories so that all they remember of the few days wandering the park with a sad alien ghost god is all the fun they had together, and nothing of him. “It was an awesome vacation! I got to skip the lines, eat all I wanted and never gained a pound and they even let me go off the high dive!”

The real horror comes from finding your own rotting child corpse in the utility tunnels corpse disposal.

Mr.Mouse gives you a new body. He doesn’t resurrect your old one. That’s the real purpose of the Final Quest Foundation village. Die and come back without cancer.

That weird murder and resurrection ritual you’ve been helping to cover up? That happened to you as a child. Your parents let you be killed. They knew you’d be resurrected, but they still gave you to Mr.Mouse . He promised to give you back, but they still gave you to him.

Can anyone else think of weird twists where “this is horrible but stopping it would be worse?”





I will give them credit for fully admitting that they're reopening because the chadmins threatened to demop them.


it will be interesting to see if the card is ever even pulled

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