anon is fricking :marseytom: stupid :marseypeanutbrain: and i hate her

heres your semi-reoccurring slop post sadly not many good posts to shamelessly steal :marseythief: from /r/4tran lately Im an r-slur but the posts there :marseycheerup: are made to either enrage or entertain a specific demographic and that demographic is not even remotely present :marseybow: here hope this image :marseymissing2: still manages to enrage or entertain you though

anyway would :marseymid: anyone here be interested :marseyschizoexcited: in hearing :marseyhearnoevil: various ruminations that have occurred in my brain :marseyneuronactivation: since starting hrt or should :marseynorm: i just stop being lazy and start a journal so i dont have to bother the lovely denizens of this website with my dumb bullshit

edit: good morning :marseycoffee: btw

!cuteandvalid !cuteandinvalid

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on one hand i hate youngshits because they get to have everything i ever possibly wanted on the other hand i cant wait for chuds to have to deal with them and realize that their utterly delusional worldview about zero passing :!marseytrain:s existing gets shattered

like you can say that no matter the appearance theyll still never be women but actually believing zero of them pass is just you gluing your eyes shut and screaming lalalalalalala in a desperate attempt to ignore the grim reality of the future.

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I pass as long as you don't look between my legs :marseyhorsecock:


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It will never be more than a very small percentage that ever pass and even the ones who kind of do on second glance have uncanny features.

The only ones who can ever pass are Asians and naturally small pretty boys, and small pretty boys usually don't :marseytrain2: out they become actors and shit, it is usually ugly men who :marseytrain2: out.

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I hope you're right so that the trans issue can be over with but you're wrong. The technology simply isn't there yet, even people who transition as children still struggle to pass.

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mhm sweaty sure whatever lets you sleep at night

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