anon is fricking :marseytom: stupid :marseypeanutbrain: and i hate her

heres your semi-reoccurring slop post sadly not many good posts to shamelessly steal :marseythief: from /r/4tran lately Im an r-slur but the posts there :marseycheerup: are made to either enrage or entertain a specific demographic and that demographic is not even remotely present :marseybow: here hope this image :marseymissing2: still manages to enrage or entertain you though

anyway would :marseymid: anyone here be interested :marseyschizoexcited: in hearing :marseyhearnoevil: various ruminations that have occurred in my brain :marseyneuronactivation: since starting hrt or should :marseynorm: i just stop being lazy and start a journal so i dont have to bother the lovely denizens of this website with my dumb bullshit

edit: good morning :marseycoffee: btw

!cuteandvalid !cuteandinvalid

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anyway would anyone here be interested in hearing various ruminations that have occurred in my brain since starting hrt


Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year

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