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TERF nootices something


>A group near @starry was doing a "Save Women's Sports" event today, BUT… @starry is pretty sure these are the same people who were protesting abortion a few weeks ago.


>So frustrating. @starry cannot in good conscience support them. With that overlap in beliefs, @starry don't think they actually give a shit about women. @starry think it's two things: opposing trans people as an extension of the abomination that is the existence of gay people (that's why the long-skirted woman protesters were there), and opposing trans people as a means of keeping women in their place (that's why the men were there).

almost like they dont...


>Perhaps you should actually talk too these people before you write them off as stupid, evil, homophobic, irredeemable misogynists.

but what if they are stupid, evil, homophobic, irredeemable misogynists?

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and opposing trans people as a means of keeping women in their place (that's why the men were there).

>it's a plot by the patriarchy unless we're the ones doing it


opposing trans people as an extension of the abomination that is the existence of gay people (that's why the long-skirted woman protesters were there)

Implying she thinks women are more likely to be homophobic. Projection? :marseynoooticer: There is an archetype of feminists who hate gay men.

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