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my messaging on the election: we're not going to go away, no matter how much of the country hates us. personally, my plan is to become even more annoying and even more of a nuisance to the people around me.
- whyareyou : s being overly self-important example #093428750293847
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no good election themed posts today i sincerely apologize for the inconvenience
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recently i accepted that i will always be ugly--if not physically (pfft)--then at least spiritually. ive completely abandonded any hope of ever having a meaningful relationship ever again. i will not give up on improving and moving forward, but i am still going to accept that there are certain things that will never be feasible for me
anyway good morning !cuteandvalid
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I don't know what really do tell her. This is why so often transition leads to the breakup of a relationship. You can't cure transphobia, and you can't live a lie to placate them.
/u/pinhead2603, I don't see a way for both you to thrive and your marriage to survive. You should let your wife know that the marriage is on the precipice and give her an ultimatum, but you can't cure transphobia.
!cuteandvalid although it doesn't feel like it, you young transitioners are truly blessed.