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Parents of queer kids, Christians who have LGBT friends, or are themselves, Christians in general, y'all need to hear something.




We aren't confused.

It's not a phase.

We weren't taught it.

We didn't "develop" it.

We weren't influenced into it.

It's not a choice.

It's not a trend.

It's not a decision.

We're not looking for attention.

We're not "trying to be different or special"

We're not rebelling.

We're, just, queer.


Parents, stop it. Stop quoting bible verses at us, this isn't a biblical issue, this is a worldly one. You have worldly children, this isn't heaven, and you're not helping make it any closer.


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tl;dr - "you have to say that sin is not sin because otherwise you make me feel bad about being a sinner".

We're not "trying to be different or special"

My mother was asexual, one of my siblings is pan, one is lesbian, and I'm a biromantic demisexual queer man. It's all totally normal and simple!

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I'm a biromantic demisexual queer man

someone needs to viciously bully these people. :uhuh:

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Bisexual but not a whore :marseylgbtflag:

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or foece them to work in the fricking mines, motherlover!

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It's all totally normal and simple!


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Always fascinating how instead of listening to the God-given sense of "I shouldn't be doing this" they do their absolute best to suppress and avoid it.

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>The disapproving glances I get across the kitchen table won't get many updoots- better pretend my parents are the Spanish Inquisition


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