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!christians !christmaschads Christmas is nigh upon us!
@BibleBot Micah 5:2-5 take it away please
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We aren't confused.
It's not a phase.
We weren't taught it.
We didn't "develop" it.
We weren't influenced into it.
It's not a choice.
It's not a trend.
It's not a decision.
We're not looking for attention.
We're not "trying to be different or special"
We're not rebelling.
We're, just, queer.
Parents, stop it. Stop quoting bible verses at us, this isn't a biblical issue, this is a worldly one. You have worldly children, this isn't heaven, and you're not helping make it any closer.
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: the worst trolls are two types; the atheistic reductionist materialists, they're Luciferian beyond belief (and every time I interview a scientist the Simpsons comic book guys come out from underneath their rocks and whine about how the fact that they are smart hasn't made them king of the world in their bitter and resentful troll demon... epithets), and the other ones are the Christian fundamentalists and like they're equally intolerable you know "Peterson's almost there!"
Lmao based !grillers Peterson hating the wingcucks of religion.
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