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United Methodists repeal longstanding ban on LGBTQ clergy
Pastor spoke about Revelation 2

Rev 2:1-7, Rev 2:18-29 please take it away Biblebot

I was struck by how Ephesus is praised for rightly calling out false teaching, but then sternly warned for not being loving. I see a lot of joy in right wing Christians in calling out absurd and harmful teaching. But without care it's a path to a callous heart in the face of people who need to be shown love.

Not that there are any rightoids on this gay cat dating website or anything.

Almost opposite is the church in Thyatira, love and faith are growing, but too quick to tolerate false teaching and sexual immorality. There's also a subtext that they're sucking up to the State in the hopes to curry worldly political favor - which Jesus warns will be fleeting when compared to the crowns he offers for following him. You can think up your own modern parallels if you feel like it.

My prayer is that you stand firm on solid teaching, but have an open and soft heart to those who are hurting, even as they hurt others. Meditate on Matthew 10:16.


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