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About to buy a :marseygamer:gaming pc, any advice/suggestions. I want something that can handle vr and will be able to play gta6 when it comes out

I also dont want to upgrade anytime soon so I plan to get something with an i9 cpu

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Build your own king it's easy

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Any guides you'd reccomend? I ussually frick up mechanical stuff even if its simple like ikea

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Oh yeah cheap case means it will be a pain to setup. Get a big one if it's your first time

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Good: Get an i7 or equivalent processor, 4070+ for graphics, ssd is necessary recommend 2-4 TB at current pricing, 64 gb of ram

Budget: start with reducing to an i5 not really important. Then reduce to 1 TB ssd. Do not get hdd. Then reduce ram to 32 gb. Finally, the graphics card. Wouldn't go below a 3060. Depending on what you want to cut.

Motherboard, power supply and case don't improve performance. Don't go super cheap on motherboard and the case is vanity.

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Honestly, if you're gonna drop so much money on a PC, just throw in the extra 100 for a service that builds it for you, I did that and it was lovely, I will never build a PC again

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is there a service you reccomend?

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Hard to say, I'm in Germany so unless you're a germ my recommendation would be irrelevant, just do a bit of research on good websites in your country that offer it

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building your pc is probably easier tbh, rule of thumb is just generally don't force anything, virtually all connectors have keys/shapes such that you can't plug them in the wrong way.

pcpartpicker.com also is decent not just for finding parts but for the compatibility check

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Ok, that doesnt sounds so bad. Thanks for the advice


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There is a game that lets you build your own PC. Pretty useful, realistic and kinda fun. There's also a PC part picker website or something that you can use.

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Prebuilts are cheaper

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Don't get an AMD GPU if you ever want to stream video or run AI models locally, they forgot to implement that shit properly

e: also if you can let go of the i9 thing, AM5 is a brand new socket and 7800x3d is a godlike cpu for gaming. You should be able to keep the motherboard for a few years if you get a good one. Here is an neurodivergentally detailed feature comparison of AM5 boards https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NQHkDEcgDPm34Mns3C93K6SJoBnua-x9O-y_6hv8sPs/edit?pli=1#gid=513674149

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if you're just gaming the i9 will have little affect on performance compared to the i7. it's really for productivity work where you need a ton of threads. 13700k is a beast

for the graphics card, a 4070ti is a good price point new. anything higher and you start burning a lot more money for little gain. You can also try to find a 3080 which is about equivalent

then just buy parts on sale once you get those two. pick out a case you like (probably at least a normal sized one for first build), a z790 DDR5 board around $200, any 32gb ram kit works if you're not overclocking, any 2-3 fan AIO liquid cooler around $120-180, 850+ watt power supply with at least gold rating, grab some fans based on what support your case has, and you're set

and don't listen to the amd shills, they can piss and shit their pants all they want but it's still a meme

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thank you for your thorough response. I will definitely consider that. In your opinion does it matter if the cpu is even intel or not?

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I personally don't want to deal with any more bullshit than I have to when I'm on my personal computer so I go Intel. AMD has a history of compatibility issues so I don't risk it no matter how many times the fan boys on reddit (and apparently here) say everything is fine. like just a couple months ago there was a bug with certain motherboards and the 5800x3d where it would just burn a hole in the cpu and socket. I don't care who's fault it is or how rare it was or w/e, when you buy Intel the worst you have to deal with is making sure you get a good enough cooler and paying a good price

oh and like the other guy said, if you do get an AMD they use different motherboards (I think the start with x instead of z)

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The socket type on the motherboard.

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AMD is fine for CPUs, just don’t fall for the AMD GPU meme. Worse compatibility and they’re playing catch-up on features.

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I'd buy amd before a 4070.

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not surprising at all you like amd

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4070 is literal trash.

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that's why I said 4070ti

and the 4070 is not "literal trash", it's just priced too high at the moment


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Even the 4070 ti is trash. A 4070 ti is literally that rebranded fake 4080.

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it's really not if you don't want to deal with actual trash of AMD

i personally buy used cause there are enough people who upgrade every new gen that you can get the last gen for cheap, so in that case yea I prob wouldn't buy it. but for normal people it's a good deal

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I literally own both cards and xt cards are running better than the 4070 and I paid less for them.

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yea try turning rtx on in portal and tell me how well they work

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Gtx 4060 get better :marseygenetakovic: gpu in a few years

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yeah, i want something with a max gpu and an i9. Ideally prebuilt bc im dumb at putting stuff together.

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Oh. Okay what's budget?

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Less than $3k, ideally less than $2k

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Cool, thanks for the link. Do you think there are any benefits or drawbacks to not having an intel cpu?

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There :marseycheerup: used to be, but not anymore. If you can find a similar build :marseyyarn: with an i7 or i9 go for it but it's all about equal :marseyjustice: these days except GPUS. Only nvidia is good for that

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thanks :marseyfluffy:

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Yeah, i heard that all the softwares are skewed to nvidia being the leader for some reason

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The good specs I posted earlier should be a little under 2k and should run most games at top specs.

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thanks! I really appreciate your advice Bimothy!


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Live in the walls of an AWS data center and plug a shitty Chromebook you bought on Craigslist directly into an Nvidia GPU cluster

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I just got a 4090 bc I'm not poor

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What is that? The gpu? or...

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it was $1650 tho lol

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I see. Doesnt sound too bad. Thanks :derpthumbsup:

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Ignore the annoying nerds and build one on Cyberpower because it's EZ and you're not a poor.

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I'm thinking about building one as well. But I've been getting neurodivergent about what CPU I should get.

I'm not really up on the release timelines of Intel and AMD and whether I should just get one now or wait for a new iteration to come out.

Need to research when the last micro architectures came out for each and when it's likely the next will. I'm too lazy to though.

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I9 is a meme processor. An i5 will perform just as well for gaming :marseysephiroth: since games :marseygamer: don't use hyperthreading. In reality, a 10 year old i5 won't perform much worse than a brand new i7 since games :marseylegioncommander: aren't processor intensive.

Also, future :marseyfortuneteller: proofing is a meme. You'd be better :marseysaulgoodman: off buying a low end system :marseymars: every 3 years than a high end one at double the price every 6 years.

Get an i5-13600KF processor and a 4070 GPU if you want to spend money. Or get a used 2080 (performance is slightly better :marseygenetakovic: than a 4060) now and a used 4080 2 years from now for the same price - less when you sell the used 2080.

Build it yourself. Spend $150-220 on the motherboard. $100 on a noctua cpu cooler. $120-220 on a quality :marseygem: platinum or better :marseygenetakovic: power :marseyzeldaganondorf: supply. $150 on a Fractal case without a window. Get a hynix p41 SSD in whatever :marseyjerkofffrown: capacity, with a $10 top of the line Thermaltake heatsink. Get 32 or 64gb of ram.

Then if you ever want to upgrade, everything but the CPU and motherboard are easy to swap.

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Nvidia 1080 is all you need

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Nvidia is king of the high end gpus and a total joke mid range and lower. With a high budget like 3k you are probably best served by a high end Nvidia card, even if the value is poor. AMD's best card that isn't a ripoff is the 6950xt, so if you need something faster, Nvidia is the better pick.

Check out G*mers Nexus on YouTube, he has reviewed many prebuilt brands (most suck) and has great case reviews. Hardware Unboxed on YouTube has great cpu and gpu benchmarks and does huge GPU and CPU comparisons for big titles.

Linux doesn't have good VR support, so you definitely want Windows 10/11.

Buy a good power supply from a good brand, seasonic, evga, etc.

Get an m.2 nvme drive, they are cheap AF and good for future proofing. I suggest a tlc drive with dram, I'm partial to SK Hynix myself.

For cpu it depends, AMD and Intel constantly trade blows these days, one isn't better than the other atm. However do keep in mind Intel boards only support 2 generations at most, and AMD keeps boards supported for 4 generations. So if you plan to upgrade just your CPU (if you do a lot of CPU intensive tasks) in a couple years, go AMD.

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