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Predictions about what GTA VI will be like from your best pattern matcher.

Here are my predictions for GTA VI:

1. Graphically better than RDR2. Expect it to set new standards for what game graphics are supposed to look like in open world games.

2. Larger map than GTA 5.

3. Female character option. It's 2023 and they are trying to pretend to be woke.

4. Set somewhere between the 80s and present day. Going any further back will end up making it a historical game.

5. Upgraded physics engine. More destructible environments.

6. Buildings with indoor environments.

7. NPCs with set routines and more diverse personalities.

8. Physically aligned NPC movements.

9. PS5 exclusive game. No ps4 equivalent due to how limited older consoles are now.

10. Cutting edge 2022 tech equivalent.

Taking into account that GTA series is known to set the new benchmark for open world games for the next 4-5 years, expect it to look better than Spiderman 2.

What are your predictions for GTA VI?

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