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Halo Infinitebros are 'We Are So Back'ing? The franchise is completely dead lol. They just cancelled the add-on.

Weirdly I think infinite is actually a pretty good game that's mostly held back by a combination of insanely slow menus and implementing all the trendy soyslop mechanics. It was fun for like a month before everyone realized this wasn't just a beta :marseyaware:

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There is an insane group of halo fans thar continue to hype this game up and unironically say that people were too harsh to 343 in 2024. They're also giving that god awful halo show a second chance with the 2nd season coming out even though it looks just as bad as the first season. The chief always has his helmet off.

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We're going to be exploring the Chief's childhood neglect

:#marseywomanmomenttalking: :!#marseygunshotsuicide:

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The halo show was kino for about the first 5 minutes when the elites sandy hooked those kids and immediately fell off after. It was actually so bad it's crazy. All they had to do was follow the books and not make master queef a libtard who took his helmet off, master chief shouldn't be identifiable and relatable as a human. The whole point of his character is that they stripped him of his humanity

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Infinite is a very good shooter, I think. Definitely 343's best work though that isn't saying much. Nice maps. Nice modes. Nice weapon and vehicle feel. I think it works really well as an update on classic Halo.

But like everything 343, they launched half-assed, didn't support it, and nobody gives a shit now besides hardcore Halobros.

Microsoft's homegrown studios have, in just one console generation, killed Halo and Gears of War - two of the biggest brands in gaming. You can probably level the same accusation at Turn 10, too, who have run Forza Motorsport into the ground over the last decade following the brilliant FM3 and FM4 for 360, which were arguably better than the PS3 Gran Turismos and on track for a great future. Quite the achievement.

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It was good when I wasn't sitting in the matchmaking menu.

The decision to try a F2P model for a franchise with older fans was... interesting. I'd have spent $60 to play the game with the old Halo 3 crew but instead they got nothing because idgaf about cosmetics. Most matches had maybe one or two guys rocking paid cosmetics and I didn't hear a squeaky voice the entire time. And you don't even need gamepass or live to play the multiplayer so I really don't understand how they intended to make money.

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Yeah me too. I think the days of the premium-priced competitive FPS are drawing to an end, sadly. Only COD seems to be able to sustain it at scale, and even COD has a F2P mode. (I guess Rainbow Six Siege, too. Maybe some others I've forgotten, but they're getting thin on the ground.)

It's over for One Flag CTF on Zanzibarcels

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>killed Halo and Gears of War

Fable, too.

I mean, lionhead was bongs, but yeah.

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Microsoft should just give Forza to Playground games completely at this point, the Motorsport games are getting worse with each release and Horizon is coming out both more regularly and at a higher quality

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Giving them Motorsport would have been the smart thing to do but instead Microsoft asked their best driving game studio to make a Fable game with s fugly protagonist that's been in development for about 200 years instead lmao.

I mean, if we're really asking for fantasy scenarios Microsoft should have bought Bizarre Creations before Activision did, and Forza Horizon 5 would been made in Liverpool and called Project Gotham Racing 9 and might not have been quite so disgustingly zoomerific.

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Infinite would have been fine if they'd just released it as a proper full game. I played it a bit at release with some friends and the gameplay was good but there were only 2 game modes I think, neither of which let you actually pick the game type you wanted to play so every match half the players just immediately quit to try and find the gamemode they actually wanted

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It's def not like that anymore, you can pick your game mode now. I don't have trouble finding a match, me and my buddy have been having fun with it

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pretty much every single match of a competitive multiplayer game has at least one cheater

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I'm calling my teammates BIPOCs and cute twinks as we speak for deciding to join a ranked match and contribute 2000 damage

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Why is it that the enemy ALWAYS converges on you like a hive mind while your teammates eating crayons while shoving their controller up their butt?

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The show is also getting another season.

Why? I don't know, and don't care. Microsoft and Halo fans deserve this.

Now go frick that prisoner of war.

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I always thought Halo is nothing special and was pretty baffled at its popularity but then I realized it's mostly Americans playing it.

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Halo 1 thru 3 was the best gaming trilogy of all time, maybe you were too poor to be an xchad or maybe you had no one to talk with at school about it. 10/10 campaign that still holds up to this day, finishing the fight as a 13 year old was top tier kino

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the best gaming trilogy of all time

it's a fricking xbonehead FPS

Yeah, burgerbrain.

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(Re)Played the Master Chief Collection with my pals. It was a fricking blast :marseyjam: (beside Halo 4 that sucks)

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Its popularity stems from like a full decade of college kids playing it with their friends, not just online but via system link and split screen

Once that audience moved on, it never found a new one and kind of just faded away after Halo 4

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Get good grandpa

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No. I'm giving up. Frick shooters. I'm done trying to keep up with the constant rising skill floor. I'm gonna take my garbage butt somewhere else and play minecraft :marseyminer: or some shit. I'm done being fodder for these mfs sliding and whizzing all over the place without missing a shot.


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I'm you for fighting games. I just frick around in singleplayer because I hate getting combos to register on an analog stick and neurodivergent meta things like I-frames, infinites, etc.

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>playing fighting games on anal log (aka shit get it?)


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I'm sorry I forgot my Mortal Kombat II arcade machine at home :marseyteehee:

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arcades have even larger butt plug controllers, the only people who use arcade sticks are perverts

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Use the dpad BIPOC

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I only ever liked ssb brawl. Every other fighting game I tried I lost one time and then put it down for the rest of my life.

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Brawl chads :#marseybrofist:

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brawl unironically filters melee/competitive chuds to high heck



meanwhile other fighting games hate smash competitve :marseygas: brawl stays untouched (and winning) :donkeykongdtf:

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It also had more creative ultimates. They weren't all a super duper mega attack.

Nothing beats Snake leaning against the fourth wall and shooting a grenade launcher at the screen.

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literally if u just play and try really hard for even a few hours over a couple days you'll be better than 90 percent of players and wont feel so shitty. Most people who play that game stink it really only takes a little practice to get good enough where u realize that everyone just sucks

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I came back for firefight but it's predictable and shitposty. Not as good as Reach.

Honestly 5's firefight was also good so they could have at least brought that back.

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It's lame and you'll nearly fall asleep playing it until the gane dumps 100 enemies on your head out of nowhere during the boss wave.

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They took away legendary which sucks, now it's a snooze fest

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>I think I'm done with FPS's

Happened to me 15 years ago: You age out of it so subtly it's imperceptible...

...until you get fragged by a 12 year old who fricks your mom all the time.

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just play a FPS for children like overwatch

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You're not funny, you're not clever, and no matter how much or how often you tell yourself otherwise, making other people angry has absolutely no value whatsoever. Even the enjoyment is fleeting; you know that. The rush you get never lasts. You spend your days being shocking for the sake of it, rolling in deeper and more wretched sewage like it's a race to the bottom of every ladder in the universe, and for what? You're not special. You're not in an exclusive club of the clued-in and the free-thinking. You are wearing a thin mask consisting of edgy memes, shock value and faux nihilism that you've convinced yourself is good enough to call a personality, that you think will cover up the nothing behind it. You're wrong.

Step back, reflect, admit your faults and grow up.

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