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Girlg*mers :#marseyairquotes: react

Just as pointless as the first g*mer gate! These people that whine about things being too “woke” have failed in evolving as people. Just adult man toddlers. It's honestly pretty cringe.

I think there's fortunately more pushback against this sort of bull this time around but who knows.

Foids amirite

I've spent these past few years dreading and fearing another G*mergate would come and found myself jumping at ghosts...and I hope this isn't it...but if it is...prepare...and God Bless.



It took me a bit as I had to find the original video and watch it to understand what Kim had said in its full context.

Also, I am happy that I decided to rise to your challenge because this video is relevant to my own career, as I work in an adjacent field and ADA practices are paramount to my success. So bonus, I found some great info.

So, the quote is being cherry-picked. The critics are failing to not only bring in the context of the whole speech but are also failing to understand, or explain if they do understand, the dynamics and general lingo that can happen at these levels of the corpo world.

Immediately after she says "terrify them about what could happen if you don't get what you want" she adds " I say that a lot as a joke..." and continues to amplify her point. Her point is to make sure to bring all your consultants, and the marketing team, to the table and have them be a part (and made aware of the importance) of the discussion of the direction, and inclusion aspects, of a story from the beginning and not at the end of production. Because failing to do so could result in financial and moral consequences for the company. This is not even out of the norm for big businesses. Like, anyone who works in marketing, or creative fields, ADA compliance, etc is used to these conversations.

When you work in big corporations, you have to sit through a lot of meetings, and learning expos (like the one she is doing), and it isn't uncommon for the speakers to use "flashy-flavor' words to keep the audience's attention, because you - as the audience- get numb and bored and will lose interest. She chose the word terrify to keep peeps attention, and thus make it memorable. Come to think of it, a lot of meetings I have been in could also be taken out of context just like she has, and it would look scary af to people with no experience or understanding of what is happening.


Kim is being taken out of context. Nothing she said in full context encourages or even implies, to threaten or harm people into doing and saying what they want. It was strong language to drive home a point she was making which is: that the marketing team needs to be made fully aware, and impressed upon, from the beginning of the production of the importance of the messaging that needs to be portrayed for the company's success.

What a spin


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If g*mers start beheading wokeoids over video games im not gonna cry about it. :marseyshrug:

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>when useless dei HR people need to justify their stupid office jobs

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They havent evolved as people like the subreddit thats evolved to be 90 percent men. Also if outsourcing your writing is evolution the evidence should be your writing should improving. They managed to make a worse story than the games theyre sequelizing in a medium where the bar for writing is subterranean

I also find it super out of touch to think SBI is winning. When a fencesitter like SOG and his gaggle of preteends hate u ure objectivey unpopular

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Wait but I thought "context" was just a fascist technique used to give them plausible deniability?

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