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No Man's Sky Adrift Expedition Trailer :carpseanmurraynomanssky:

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Well this game can't be any more shit

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not you! the real one!

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Me: Oh, it's finally coming out? Well good for them.

*AI assistant slave robot nudges me in the kidneys and rotates the microphone away from my mouth*

:marseyairquotes:Young :marseyairquotes: Effendi, you're thinking of 'Star Citizen'

Me: That's not the same thing?

Robot: No, Effendi. 'No Man's Sky' actually came out, which, for all its faults, is more than you can say for 'Star Citizen', which will literally never come out. And, furthermore, Effendi, the supporters of 'Star Citizen' are dupes and rubes.

Me: ...Are you sure they're not the same? I was born when the Berlin Wall still existed, and I'm an alcoholic, so my brain is foggy.

Robot: No, Effendi, they are not the same. You need to continue your speech, Effendi.


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Coming out is the most important step to actualization.


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This read like a bussy boy comment

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Oh nice, upvotes and appreciation from a friend who likes me. Maybe he wants to get to know me.

...But what he didn't count on is that I have schizoid personality disorder and I tend to drive people away! Also I'm an alcoholic! Ha ha! Victory for me!

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for the first time, explore a completely abandoned universe

No other life forms, no shops, no help

IDK, wasn't that exactly how the first 6-12 months of the game felt to everyone after launch?

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Yes but now it's on purpose so pay up

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Is this actually a paid DLC? This game is notorious for having every update be free since release.

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Don't know, don't care :marseynails:

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it's not a dlc, it's not even a real content update to the game, its even less than that. It's a very temporary free challenge league that you can complete for cosmetics- just like path of exile temporary leagues.

I've done a few of them and have been hyping up doing one as a group to my friends for a while, so it's just my luck that the moment I actually get people interested in trying an expedition, the very next expedition is one you have to do alone. :marseycringe:

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it is free

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Only if your time is worthless

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wow an empty universe, sounds really exciting

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I think this is the tragedy of space as a game setting.

Space is really fricking boring if you retain any semblance of accuracy.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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The Starfield experience

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Wait hang on if someone abandoned it then how can you be the first one to explore it

Is there some form of time travelling going on

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fat frick

:#carpchonker: :#carpburger:

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carp alt caught in HD

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:#carpexcited: :#marseymegaphone:

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I love that word filter

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We can shit talk the game as much as we like now :carpmerchant:

Which one of you played it? How much did it suck? :marseygossipsmug:

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At the end of the day it's a shitty resource collecting, micro management and crafting bullshit minecraft clone like every game has been in the past 10 years. I'm so fricking sick of building crafting benches, collecting snail shells and crafting mundane items like walls and torches.... it's all so tiresome.



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>no wait, you can't craft the fourth leg for that workbench yet. You need to find 16 more units of assium and there are no sources of it in this system

>severe weather approaching

>only 23 more sub-mission tasks until you can establish a camp and build a shelter that you will never return to or upgrade

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But you can now add coloured drawbridges to your bases!!



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That was basically my experience too. Just a collect X grind.

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The problem with minecraft clones is that they don't know whether to be a role-playing game (overused but here I'll define it as a game with a cohesive plot that occurs during gameplay, not just before it as lore), a first person CAD simulator, or a survival game, and each of those aspects necessarily conflicts with the other 2.

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What roger said, its much width no depth. Can be fun for a time if you like flying through space.

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:soyjak: I do!

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As of a couple years ago, the new player experience was just the game yanking you around for hours on end soypointing at all the epic new features and mechanics, instead of letting you feel lonely and explore.

I'm impressed by a lot of what they've added, and it's cool to find a beautiful planet and make a base there, but that's also at odds with the initial design that was supposed to send you wandering across the universe. I don't think they ever managed to make exploring fun or exciting. Looks like this update gets into some of that, though it seems like an alternate mode rather than additions to the regular universe. My ideal development focus for the game would be on biomes, creatures, and enemies, rather than new vehicle types, bases, story, etc.

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The only thing I liked about that game was flying in space, drinking a beer in the dark while listening to a space banjo playlist on youtube.

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If I had a personal spaceship, I'd for sure be boozing and cruising in my Space Airstream as I clip around a solar system. I'd also invest in an awesome sound system.

Ironically, what people would probably mostly do on a ship is play vidya. Depending on how hyperdrive could even work if possible. If not, your ship would be more like a ark since you'd be in that b-word for years at a time.

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Can be very addicting depending on who you are :marseysweating: but lacks depth and entertaining exploration

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User is definitely not Carp in hiding.

:#marseydisguise: :!#marseysmughips:


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They call it no mans sky because it's full of :!marseytrain:s.

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Is it really? I played it once and all I found were aliens going bleep bloop and didn't understand wtf they were talking about

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nah idk i played it for 10 mins and it told me to mine shit n i got bored bc all i wanted to do was fly spaceship n it wouldnt let me

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You will never be a woMAN's sky

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Has there been a city expansion yet?

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There are towns but no cities

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Well that's shit.

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Is No Man Sky good? I still havent played it and am thinking about getting it for Switch


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People say its good but I tried and got bored of having to consistently farm some material that I cant recall every time I wanted to travel distances. It got annoying more so when the quests ask you to travel constantly

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You get bored of doing the same thing over and over again fairly quickly, there's supposedly some endgame but it's really hard to feel motivated to do it. Also unobtainable past event bling really pissess me off.

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You can get the unobtainable past event bling by just checking a box on a save editor, then it unlocks on the account. Should be the first thing on google under nms save editor

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It has many gimmicky and superficial expansions, but nothing of substance. Lot's of content, but no depth at all.

@FBIshill sneeding hard over this comment, powerusers get the wall

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It performs like butt on switch, get it for a real console/pc if you plan on buying it.

As far as is it good: It can be fun if you do multiplayer with friends. I would wait until it goes on sale for around 25 bucks, though.

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Can you do multiplayer on the GOG offline version? I'm never paying for this game but that might get me to steal it.

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I wouldn't be the one to ask, all the games I buy through GOG are 90's games

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ugh no shops expedition sounds like the worst :uhuh:

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Epic spergout, bro



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Carp is never coming back :carpitsover:

Read what I wrote above. Now picture in your head that I put a /s at the end. Good job sweaty! :marseygigaretard:

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Is this bait to get carp :carpsurejan: back?

*Didn't even finish reading the title nvm :carpseanmurraynomanssky:

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:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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I'm not sure I get the hook of this update - you get to visit empty universes without stuff (but apparently with worms according to the video)? That doesn't sound super exciting, compared to what some of the previous updates have offered.

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Carp would have loved this :carpdead: :marseylibations:

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This isn't gonna bring carp back bro

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But look at the pin awards! :!#marseysoypoint:

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Dad isnt coming home for this. :#marseyindignant:

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Is there any kind of a story besides "idk fly around space and mine shit" as if a civilization that can build FTL ships and drones can't automate mining

Also, the asteroid belts in that game irritate me. Astroid belts are nowhere near that dense. That shit would have coalesced into a planetoid in a few years.

If you went to the asteroid belt here it would look like a giant expanse of empty space

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you can automate mining regard

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you can automate mining regard

Regarding what?

I thought the game was about bedsheet deformation physics

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Hey kids, now this game has less content! It's that worth DLC and buying the game!

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Is it fun yet?

@FBIshill are you back? Are you staying? You can ban award everyday if it'll make you stay?

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