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Literal Marsey game https://i.rdrama.net/images/17273002659848814.webp

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It's a good game!

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17273156710898688.webp :marseyeerie1pat:

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>mfw he hasn't played Donut County

don't EVER call yourself a g*mer again

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oh i actually did play that one lol


didnt see that there

but lets not pretend its a major release what


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:marseyxd: I'd never heard of it thought it would be the least likely one people have actually played

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it was some like reverse katamari little indie game and not terrible honestly


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Kentucky Route Zero is a strange episodic point-and-click adventure released over ten years.

Kentucky Route Zero has won "Game of the Year" awards multiple times, was dubbed the "best musical of 2014," and has been called "the most important game of the decade"β€”and all this before it was finished. Over the past seven years, the three-person indie studio Cardboard Computer has released four episodic "acts" of its critically acclaimed game, along with four playable "interludes." Fans have eagerly awaited the fifth and final chapter, the one where maybe, just maybe, you will arrive at your destination.

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Ian Hinck from Easy Allies always would always talk about this game. Sounded gay and pretentious. Now Ian goes by the name of Isla


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I never trusted a word that pearl clutching strag would say and he actively brought down any show he was on. why tf did they put up with him

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:#marseybrap: :#marseypainter:

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I will never not be mad at Kentucky Route Zero. I was actually enjoying it until like the 3/4 mark and suddenly it became very clear that the writers just did not give a shit about this story anymore.

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Kentucky Route Zero is a game obv made by yankee leftists who have never been down to!dixie and the writing is all terrible. Everyone talks around each other in super mysterious and poetic way which is annoying.

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You never heard of outer wilds or stray? Unironically.


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Oh they did stray? I heard about it being absolutely amazing

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It was. I adore that game.

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Outer Wilds is a great puzzle game

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Annapurna is one of the 8k meter Himalayan mountains and the 10th highest in the world, considered to be more difficult than Everest itself with a death rate of ~15-20% in most climbing seasons. I've never done any serious climbing but I enjoy reading about it. :marseysherpa: What are your special interests other than vidja?

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A perfect representation of the slow and grueling climb along with the sudden fall off of the corporate ladder a girl boss has to endure.


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Gone but not forgotten

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the slow and grueling climb

you mean born into bookoo amounts of money and able to do whatever you want

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Thank you for sparing me the work of googling why the name sounded familiar :#marseybeanpleased: :#marseyandjesus:

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>Gone Home


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Walking simulators, meme cat game, and Outer Wilds which is supposedly good (but people jerk it off too hard so I'm sceptical)

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What Remains of Edith Finch

The only Walking Sim worth playing

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Title sounds a bit


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17278347330109043.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17282249849557173.webp

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That's not Soma

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Try neon white, it's pretty good and it'll probably feel like something you've never played before. Skip all the dialogue.

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Great game. Absolutely r-slurred dialogue

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Dialogue is based though. Reminds me of oldschool webcomics.

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Journey was pretty good. And Edith finch is a 10/10 walking sim(5/10 normal game)

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I did really enjoy Journey.

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Outer Wilds is great.

What Remains of Edith Finch was a boring walking simulator.

Stray was cute and decent fun, but I do prefer Little Kitty Big City for cat-based knocking-things-off-shelves simulators

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Journey was a cool little game

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They're fun

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Neon White is a 10/10 unironically.

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Not only a female but a female who has never worked a day in her life, was raised ultra-rich, randomly disappeared from public life for over a year (this was during covid to be fair), and also happens to be an ugly lesbian so she has some manner of persecution complex built in DESPITE having a billion dollars or whatever, yeah just wait for more to come out because this is going to be an absolute disaster

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Is she transitioning?


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I hate to tell you this but lesbians are naturally ugly. Porn and Anime has lied to you. I'm sorry to be the one to bring you this news.

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>I hate to tell you this but lesbians are naturally ugly. Porn and Anime has lied to you. I'm sorry to be the one to bring you this news.

https://media1.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExcDhmdm1rc2Z3eWZrMDN1MTRpOGVtNWY4OGg3Mm11amQwM3cwMWZ4cCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/j4lJOuwvAzyRcnWrFi/giphy.webp !coomers !anime YURIGODS BACK ME UP, PLEASE TELL ME THAT THERE EXISTS HOT LESBIANS IN REAL LIFE, IM LITERALLY SHAKIN RN :marseycope:

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@birdenthusiast @dramasexual

!coomers I just dug up a penny classic

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Penny on the left :marseysmug2:

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me and who?

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All lesbians are sexy milf stepmoms swapping their barely legal stepdaughters. Everyone knows this, it's basic math.


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This is true because there is no such thing as obligate lesbians outside of porn. They're just the "bi girls" that are brainwashed by modern feminism and who took it too far by repressing their desire for peepee due to their hatred of men

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BOO! https://i.rdrama.net/images/17273239765963686.webp

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Anime wouldn't lie to us like that

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Lesbians aren't hot, because if they were hot, they'd have attracted a man already. Women only turn gay as a last resort when they can't get a bf


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You say that like it's even possible to be unable to attract a man. Men are so collectively desperate for the slightest crumb of kitty you can actively try to repel them and they'll still try to sleep with you. Fugbeasts can attract a man. Chicks with gangrene in their feet can attract a man. 600lb bitches who smell like mold and sweat and occasionally find dead animals in their folds can attract a man. Your average lesbian on her worst day could get a boyfriend in like two hours if she wanted one.

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I would say she was hot. But it's her nose and mouth that is distracting.

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Prettiest actual lesbians I've met all look like christmas elves, and even then most of those poon out

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I know some normal looking lesbians :marseysmughips:

Prob about 50/50 bullcute butches though :marseyhmm:

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Not true. Lesbians are hot until age 25.

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17272952751778176.webp :#marseymog: https://i.pinimg.com/564x/0d/1d/10/0d1d10a7af73583a01a104f710c30a79.jpg !foidmoment wtf is going on with post-2010 Amerimutt white foids?, why did they all suddenly start to Jay Lenomaxx with their Gigachad jaws and chins?, did the powers that be put something in their gatorate and skittles?

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Is it just me or she kinda looks like Andy from The Office?


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His daughter if he married Deborah Morgan.

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Hey, Tuna!



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I think that's just how lesbians looks. We've gotten so used to making fun of :marseytrain: s we've forgotten :marseychonkerbutch: are also ridiculous.

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A lot of lesbians are NB/:marseytrain2:ing out. They remain white women, just as vulnerable to social contagion.

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She supposedly moved to Lanai with her dad, but why would you move to a small primarily Republican island as a fricking lesbian? Just go to Portland or SanFran and stay there, nowhere else wants you ugly fricking lesbians.

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lmao he changed it https://i.rdrama.net/images/17272970304768581.webp

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heckin valid change, this way is way more clickbaity

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Oh this is because the chick runs two studios. A game and a movie studio. The movie studio isn't doing that well and so they are trying to use the IPs from the game studio to prop up the movie studio. Which is obviously r-slurred and would lead to Wheel of Time or the Witcher shenanigans for the games side. So everyone just quit because they know what they're doing and she does not.

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Imagine willingly having a female boss. NGMI.

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Just read a bit about it: they all quit because she came back from her five-year-long stay in Hawaii, and wanted to be boss again.


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I don't know who she is but I'm on her side.

Bellular is not only a massive click baiting cute twink but an obnoxious c*nt as well.

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Is that an Irish :marseyira: accent or is he some kind of Bong?

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:#marseydisgusted: North Irish, the worst kind

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He's from Cork in Munster iirc but he lives in Belfast. Cork is commie central adjacent to Dublin being shitlib asf. Cork being 'le rebel county' meme from the civil war attracts :marseylibleft: larpers.

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Wait wait- I thought :marseymindblown: everyone :marseynorm: was fleeing the "North of Ireland" (as I believe :marseyparappa: the preferred nomenclature is) because of Brexit and general :marseydayan: Bongish failure. You're telling me this wide-faced goon went there :marseycheerup: and started a business?

What Unionist Propaganda is this?!

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Same thing. He's a fricking r-slur and he should join the IRA and get domed, or be blown up by the IRA. Click baiting cute twink

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Remember when this meant games made by independent studios then shopped to publishers?

None of these games are indie, they're just cheap.

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billionaire trust fund baby throws around a bunch of money,

and nothing of significance was generated

except :marseylovedrama:

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Is the pic of Lurch there for Halloweeen or...???


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In fairness, isn't she the girlscion of Oracle Daddy, and the absolute owner and dictator of everything Anapurna? Ugly, incompetent, or stupid: no matter what, the company wouldn't be there were it not for her dad's money, so I don't really see this as any kind of victory over dumb foids.

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Engage bankruptcy litigation team.

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video game "news" channels should be banned

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her brother also has a media company, and all of it is controlled by their dad.

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Thats a :#marseytrain:

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