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Jasper Byrne fell off

Jasper Byrne is a musician and game developer. I'm going to be focusing on his music today. :marseyjamming:

Jasper used to make music like this:

(^This one was good enough for PewDiePie :chadnordic: to use as an outro^)

That last one is important. We'll get back to it. :trollclosedmouth:

Suddenly, a not very well telegraphed Lone Survivor :marseymask: remaster comes out called "Super Lone Survivor" :marseylueshi: :mariogoatse:

*(It's essentially just an engine change with some minor new content. :marseynothingburger: I'm not sure what was wrong with the old one other than it using a big .swf internally :donkeythonk:)

The important part is that Jasper creates a new soundtrack for it. :marseypiano: :wolfplaylist: My pants tighten :marseysweating: and I wonder how the remasters of all my favourite songs are going to be fricked up. :marseyglobohomo:

Spoiler: He (quite wisely) didn't actually touch any of the originals :marseynope: and just made hours of extremely generic "80's movie" synth music. :marseyitsover: :marseygameritsover:


What the frick happened? Why is it all in a completely different style? Was he too afraid of ripping off Akira Yamaota? :shocked2:

I listened to his new album, Mirrors, and it was also just kinda meh :marseyshrug:

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