Did anyone else get conned into buying Helldivers 2 and now have it rotting in their steam library? :marseysuperearthflag:

>duuude come on, it's so consoomer friendly, unlike those other live service games!

And then it turns out to be like all the other live service games :marseybruh2:


Anti-FOTM bros, I kneel.... I should have listened.....

Also !g*mers PSA, if you've ever downloaded HD2 onto your PC, you now have a rootkit on your PC that you can't uninstall. Enjoy!

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1732673849186553.webp :#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove:

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I played it back in April-July with some co-workers, and we had a blast. Got a few hundo hours in it, at least.

...Until AH decided "YA'LL CAN'T BEHAVE" and nerfed everything. We all collectively lost interest after that.

I've moved onto Warframe for my power-fantasy/looter-shooter fix. It's faster-paced, has better weapons, and actually has long-term goals for me to work toward. (It's free as well, but it's not THAT free.)

Helldivers had the bag, but in true Sony fashion, they fumbled it. :marseydoomer:

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