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Has rDrama lost incognito capabilities?


Since when was "rdrama.net" viewable again? Chadmins lose when they allow the domain and they lose when they ban it.

Dramatards keep winning!

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considering how ruqqus, voat, etc. went, the reddit admins know that flooding a website with contrarians that enjoy fricking with people or want to schizo post about how much they hate reddit kills communities pretty quickly. with how much we've started getting noticed, it's only a matter of time until we start having problems and letting people mention us inside of reddit threads is only going to make it worse

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Luckily the chadmins here can restrict new accounts immediately and do banouts if MDEfugees come in. Isnt that right @Landlord_Messiah?

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with how much we've started getting noticed, it's only a matter of time until we start having problems and letting people mention us inside of reddit threads is only going to make it faster

Carp can just disable signups if things get too hectic. + this website has a lot of great anti-agendaposter functionalities (:marseytrain: theme, ban awards etc). I think we're OK for now, even with the domain unblocked.

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If redditors really come here in droves (I doubt it tbh), there might be a need for another agendaposter theme, except this one is shit like 'make america great again' and other rightoid r-sluration.

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Your comment has been removed for not saying β€œMake America Great Again”.

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Imagine the seethe

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I know that I say this as a relative outsider, but I think that even with all of the new features (including country club, ban awards, and making the website look terrible) there's going to be a limit of how much chadmins want to prune before it becomes easier to start making rotating bunker communities or just start anew.

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I think not. The reality is that agendaposters, AHScels, and other undesirables are simply not that smart or motivated enough. Look at these reddit accounts, look at their ages: most less than 2 or 3 years. They've never known anything other than "new reddit", with it's """minimalist""" interface, rounded corners and friendly "communities". Think about it. That's part of the appeal of reddit moderation: these people are fricking r-slurred. If they knew how to program they would start their own forum or blog. Any neurodivergent oldstrags who know what's up either have a life or browse HN instead. new reddit just appeals to lazy, terminally normal cute twinks, even more so now than a decade ago. spez and the like don't care anymore, they are turning the place into a shitty instagram/facebook/tumblr/twitter/tiktok/whatever imageboard for teenagers and manchildren alike.

As for the 4channers, all they know about ban evasion is filling out capchas and phoneposting. Why put in all that effort to say the N word a couple times and then get banned? If it was really a threat, you would see 4channers and other undesirables posting on reddit.

Look at the kiwicels, they have no problem switching to an invite-only system when things get hectic.

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have a life

browse HN instead

HN is garbage, not even /classic (which only counts oldstrag votes) is good anymore. It’s filled with the same :!marseytrain:s as Reddit

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I think that biggest differences between us and the kiwis is that kiwifarms is much larger than us and target individual people while operating inside their own bubble instead of going out and actively fricking with them in public. Whereas from what I've seen, we go out and frick with the terminally online freaks that have no problems posting child porn to communities that they don't like, either by messing with them directly or making subreddits that eventually get attention from them.

Again, new guy, so feel free to just call me an r-slur, but there's a limited time before we start getting noticed, and how we actually deal with the influx of new users when we mess with communities far larger and more entrenched than ours can be the difference between us dying by attrition as we turn away new users or having the community turned over from underneath. It goes beyond the type of people that we attract and whether or not 99% of them are a threat; as we grow as a community, there's going to be clashes and changes in culture as new users trickle in and start to participate. Whether or not the original users actually want to deal with r-slurred newstrags like me that make doomer comments like they're a part of the crew or make posts whining about rightoids/leftoids/whatever and would rather just bunker up and separate themselves into something else is already showing with the new country club feature.

Edit: It just dawned on me that there could very well be a discussion about this inside of the current pinned post (https://rdrama.net/post/14149/changelog-added-countryclub-toggles-that-make) that I can't see and I'm just being an uppity r-slur in a comment section, but that's what I get for being melodramatic

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That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

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Look at the ban logs, people have already been removed for posting child porn. (according to the ban messages)

there's a limited time before we start getting noticed, and how we actually deal with the influx of new users

there is a rule that goes something like this: 90% of users lurk, 9% of users vote, and 0.9% of users comment, 0.09% of users post, and <0.01% of users mod. the vast majority of new users don't do anything, and most new users lurk long enough before posting that they are absorbed into the culture. The threat isn't that we get replaced, it's that the culture slowly gets diluted and overused. but I think that will take a while, maybe a couple years.

r/drama culture is always changing. remember g*mergate? remember mdefugees? remember deux? remember the mass-banning? remember worldaroundewe?

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Ruqqus, voat, etc didnt have insufferable people like masterlawlz and pizza as their active members. No way the MDFugee could handle those two.

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you can't just do our boy lawlz dirty like that man

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He is insufferable but in a good way.

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Instead of Captcha, you'll have to write "Trans Lives Matter" to create an account.

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I think you could always say "rdrama.net", you just couldn't say "https://rdrama.net" or any such links

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I tried it out and you're correct. False flag

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you mean i did all that neurodivergent seriousposting over nothing?

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Being white and playing video games is a short pipeline that leads to learning Japanese and raping your sister


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