6 ways to be a decent human being

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6 ways to be an ally to fat people:

  1. Get them a scale and gym membership for valentines day

  2. Lock them in your basement and feed them the bare minimum

  3. Dangle a donut in front of them and make them run

  4. secretly remove screws from their chairs so they break when they sit on them, shaming them into dieting

  5. Do their laundry for them but purposefully shrink their clothes. If they ask, deny everything.

  6. Follow them around while playing a tuba

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  1. Get them addicted to meth. There are no 600lb tweakers

  2. Put laxatives in their food

  3. Play "move b-word" by Ludacris whenever the fatty starts waddling somewhere

  4. Tell them to sign up for online dating and then make an account with gigachad pfp making fun of them

I can't think of 2 more and it's time to get off the potty

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believe fat people

yeah sure, you only ate 1500 kcal today. I believe ya

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Are fat people considered to be more prone to lying than the general populace? I'm struggling to understand this one.

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When it comes to the reasons for their weight gain, or the healthiness of their diets?

Yes, absolutely.

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But what would "believing" them accomplish then?

"I gained weight from eating salad.


The end

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The fatter they are the more they lie too.

There's a study, no I'm not going to go find it.

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No, shut the frick up, butthole!

I'm not fat because I can't remember what meat looks like without the breading, or because I can't eat anything green and leafy without drowning it in liquid fat. It's my thyroid. I have thyroid issues that make hundreds of pounds of lard mysteriously manifest on my body. My doctor said so!

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When a fat person says they barely eat anything or they eat really healthy but just cant lose weight, theyre usually really underestimating the amount of calories they consume on a daily basis.

Also sometimes people genuinely stick to a diet for a couple of days and then they reward themselves by pigging out on the weekend, which undoes any progress they might have made.

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No, this is a common trend among professional victims. Basically, they declare you should "believe x demographic" which is actually "don't contest any of the absurd shit we say."

It's basically a way to shut down any critical discussion of the matter at hand.

It likely comes from assault victims not being believed sometimes, which manifested as "believe victims" and it somehow spread into other areas- believe black people, believe fats, believe x y and z and don't question anything.

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I see, thanks.


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  1. corral them into pens

  2. feed them disgusting slop

  3. muzzle them to control overeating

  4. isolate them from normal people

  5. fatten them up, so that I’ll ...

  6. enjoy their putrescent braps

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Fat stories from fat people? Sounds hilarious

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Nah they're mostly just gross.

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How do you get so fat you can't fit in a chair? You're literally meant to sit if you're fat.

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We're obviously being too good of allies for fatties right now. In a normal just world this fatty wouldn't show herself on camera let alone demand people accommodate her severe lack of self control.

Also does everyone in burgerland have some kind of gripe. You've got every single minority group no matter what they're the minority in bitching about being the victim of something even if they have total control over it. The wrong side really did win WW2

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Being a victim in the U.S. has tangible benefits, so there's incentive to paint yourself as one. That's all it is.

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I hate modern society.

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Neighbor we hate you

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Look fat look fat listen stupid

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I absolutely seek out fat stories from fat people already.

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Christ lady just get optifast and add whey protein to it. It's that easy.

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1: don't screenpost

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she looks like she has double downs syndrome

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1711210096745272.webp

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She is fat and I would not have s*x with her.

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Being a fat ally can be fatal to fats.


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seek out fat stories? believe fat people? what the frick does that even mean?

being fat isn't something to be proud of or something to be defended. why are these cows all so fricking insane?

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Are you a fat denier?

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no, i'm a moon denier.

which i get is confusing.

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Nah the archons built it it’s an artificial satellite

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me: i'm a moon denier

you: nah the moon isn't real


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I meant β€œnah” like it isn’t confusing :marseylawlz:

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It's just a bunch of newspeak that means nothing. Just regurgitated npc woke phrases.

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The real way to be an good friend to a fat person in your inner circle is to:

  1. Hook them up with a trauma informed therapist (a lot of obese people have had childhood trauma which led them to seek comfort in food)

  2. When you choose places to eat, pick restaurants that serve healthier foods. (Sushi is a great option.)

  3. Organise hanging out places where you do stuff. Like hiking or skiing etc. or even just walking your pets together to the park and having a picnic (with healthy foods and non obscene portion sizes)

It’s these small things that really help to form healthy habits. Even if they are still a fat butt who ends up binging a couple of times a week (which can be worked on in therapy. Also, vyvanse is approved to treat binge eating disorder if they have it) the healthy behaviours such as exercise and actually eating vegetables are still good things to add. Gradual changes tend to be more sustainable than sudden ones when it comes to anything in life. And even the smallest changes start to have effects over time.

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Wise words, king :tayclap:

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lol fat

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Mayocide Ayy Lmao


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aren't fat accessible spaces just 'outside'?

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Do you unironically have a thyroid problem? Are your legs physically disabled?

If you answered no to both, then you can lose weight you silly fat.

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