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:marseycop: (2 month old drama) r/stoicism mod goes against stoicism and tags a depressed redditor's rant as hate speech for using "kitty" :!marseypearlclutch:


this was drama i found from before i entered the dramaverse, a redditor was upset with his life so he ranted on /r/stoicism

I have been working for Indian Multinational Companies for 13 years. During these time, my life has been a total mess. I get cheated by my colleagues and my girlfriends. I have changed 4 companies till now and I have been bullied by managers everytime from this companies. I can't afford to resign from jobs because I am a complete kitty. I can't go against my parents who are opposed to it. I am 35 years old and still I need others validation to resign. I am a moron with no self respect. Till now. everyone has been abusive to me. My ex girlfriends who cheated me by spending away my savings with her new boyfriend, managers and colleagues from all the companies I worked for abused me . I even got cheated of 2000 dollars from a mentally deranged guy. I am such a fool that even deranged people dares to bully and cheat me off my money. Dear Stoics, how can I bring my life back to normal, I am such a pushover, How do I survive in these dog eat dog world?

he used the word kitty in the title so the mod did an average redditor and tagged it hate speech

I apologize, but I am adding the Hate Speech tag to this post because of the post title's use of misogynistic language. I will not remove it, as I think you do need advice to help you through this time. But please be more mindful of that in the future.

subreddit members get pissed off because getting emotionally affected by a word kitty goes again stoicism itself apparently

edit: googled the definition which makes what the mod did even more lol - The word "stoic" commonly refers to someone who is indifferent to pain, pleasure, grief, or joy.

"Kitty" has nothing to do with vaginas nor misogyny. But since that's your (incorrect) interpretation, can we expect to see the "hate speech" tag applied to any post calling anyone a "peepee", as well?

This is the core issue with mentalities like yours - you deal in absolutes. You make up your mind about one thing and are so sure of yourself, that everyone must then think exactly like you and the world must change in the way you want it to, because you are absolutely right - to the point of labelling an innocent post like this 'hate speech.' Is saying "he was being a real peepee!" sexist towards men? Will you also label posts that contain that word/phrase 'hate speech' or will you not? You're absolutely free to believe what you want to and I know you are most likely coming from a good place - but this type of virtue signalling on a post like this, in a subreddit like this, and being so certain of yourself for it, means there will be a certain level of disagreement with you. I hope you're willing to at least take a fraction of it on board.

janny tries to defend their use of wikipedia as a source for their argument

However, I will defend my position and will definitely continue to use Wikipedia as a source for defenses despite what some people may say is bias. It is unfortunately the best online aggregator of information and is typically well-sourced (especially regarding more academic topics).

my first thought was the same as this redditor, imagine being suicidal and posting a rant for it to be called hate speech lol

Imagine calling the suicide hotline and the person on the other side said: woah there buddy, cool it with the hate speech. This is a highly inappropriate action by the mod and really, really tone deaf. That could be enough to push someone over the edge.

meta discussion about the incident



i wonder sometimes if jannies have indirectly actually caused the death of people because of their hypervigilant jannying, i've seen articles that might actually help someone suicidal be caught by automod since i think many jannies filter the word "suicide"

i see the reveddit page for my country's sub and it's just sad: https://www.reveddit.com/v/singapore/


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This is what Marcus Aurelius would have wanted

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This j-slur is being a real sniveling Commodus

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Reddit is a shadow of its former self. It's boring like Facebook and r-slurred like Tumblr.

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It seems to have gone off a cliff at the same time as people stopped talking about how they ‘couldn’t leave Reddit’, and that they’d been here forever. Now it’s just newstrags and corporate sponsors; where’d all the cool-kids of 2013 go?

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where’d all the cool-kids of 2013 go?


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It's called g*mergate chud

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:!marseyshooting: :marseyjanny2: :marseyshooting:

I remember this one, most mods on self-improvement subs are much better, this janny is just an r-slur.

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I remember this one, most mods on self-improvement subs are much better

(X) doubt

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People who talk about stoicism are coping about being depressed.

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Just be stoic and shut the frick up like Daddy Marcus wanted.

Guess thats too hard for soyboys raised by single mothers

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sorry bby sent you your reperations

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:marseyking: King shit :marseyxoxo:

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Yeah what was OP expecting from a philosophy subreddit apart from pedantry and janitors being r-slurs?

OP just needs to :marseygrass:

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I am unironically seething right now.

I think stoicism makes sense, but the losers it attracts are exactly like that lil b-word mod.

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I gave whatever the stoicism handbook is called by Marcus Chadrelius to my uncle as a gift once.

He read it and said it just a long-winded Roman version of Biblical story of Job except not as good.

I just ship him expensive liquor now so he can show off to his ricecel friends instead.

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I am really sorry you have to find out this way, but your uncle is an r-slur

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I found out he was an r-slur when he threw me a cocked and loaded revolver in his gookcel apartment at me.

But hes a rich widower so he can do whatever he wants.

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whatever the stoicism handbook is called by Marcus Chadrelius

Meditations, I think you'll find.

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420,453 Stoics

I like top comment, because 400K stoics on the internet seems unlikely.

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4k actual stoics and the rest are depressiona copingcels

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cant do this shit no more man

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I know who could save him

It's Allah and the prophet

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Low key upsetting, why do these little pencil peepees ruin every sub.

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This is the kind of dude that gets heavy into guns to get his life right. 100% taking control of your own destiny.

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More like get his death right

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Stoics believe that every person has the right to go out on their own terms if they are suffering and have no hopes of getting better. Naturally this translates into walking out into the wilderness with a stockpile of tannerite and blasting yourself into a smoldering crater.

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the janny refuses to mop up the blood it has spilled

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:marseyjanny2: :marseyshooting:

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The janny is a kitty.

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You will never be a real impostor. You have no sabotage, you have no vent, you have no kill button. You are a noob crewmate twisted by sus and amogus into a crude mockery of Among Us’s perfection.

All the “Red sus” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back impostors and crew mates alike mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “crew mates ” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind sabotaged doors.

Impostors are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed impostors to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even transimpostors who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to an impostor. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk impostor home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected User Interface.

You will never be sus. You wrench out a fake act of suspicion every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the tasks piling up creeping up like weeds, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, do your tasks, eject yourself from the Skeld, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your crewmates will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth occupation, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a crew mate is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a single bone that is unmistakably a crewmate’s.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back


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