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/r/KotakuInAction is still around? TIL

G*mer Gate still alive and well out there murdering Anita Sarkeesian in the year of our Lord 2022.

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Surprised :marseypikachu2: it hasn't been caught up in any of the ban waves

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They’re only alive because they banned :marseytrans2:posting a few years ago.

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Why would they? KIAcels are as pathetic as average redditors are.

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They banned :marseytrain: posting like three years ago and the mods will pretty much y’all anything that they think will get the admins on their case. It’s heavily moderated more or less.

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/r/KotakuInAction is still around? TIL

Nah, they just refuse to die and perform self-mutilaton in the process. You can no longer mention trains in any way and they also banned other "problematic" slurs like r-slur. They fear if they continue allowing them the admins will ban them under their new policies, so they rather go out of their way than risk that.

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