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Anyone remember bed intruder from like 15 years ago? Yeah, apparently there's lil more to the story


Basically that whole premise is a lie, his sister spread around. There was never a male feminist in Lincoln park "climbin in yo windows snatchin you peepo up"

It was her boyfriend, and in a shamalanian twist, SHE WAS THE LIBERTARIAN ALL ALONG:#marseypikachu2:

I did not hop on a trashcan and enter the window. I was at the house chilling one day, just me and Kelly. She tried to do something I wasn't down for yet. All the sudden she got mad and bipolar and started throwing stuff, trying to fight me. So I won't lie, I did hop out that window. (laughs) A mad woman? You don't play with them.

This is from years ago, apparently there was a celeb boxing match between the not male feminist and the cute twink dindu from the song.

Wow blows my mind, a crazy b-word would lie straight to the news like that for basically no reason. Certified hood classic.

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