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Roosterteeth's meltdown continues

Previous post from Sunday:



RT announces some layoffs, former employees use this opportunity to complain that they were poorly treated and underpaid as well as accusations of rampant sexism and homophobia at the company. The anime pfp zoomer community handles this news exactly how you'd expect.

What's happened since last time?:

  1. The zoomers have begun feasting on the corpse of RT, digging up anything they can find. Former employees have piled in too.

  2. Roosterteeth made a statement. It's kind of long and dull and basically "we'll try to be better". The community aren't happy about it.

  3. The subreddit has been taken over by unionists, as though $40k is unfair pay for drawing anime.

  4. Someone posts the worst title of any Reddit post I've ever seen: Twitter user calling out Geoff for a problematic like.

  5. They/them OnlyFans performer and anime voice actress Arryn Zech jumps on the mistreatment train by basically rewording "women and children are the primary victims of war" and then not knowing that salary negotiations exist:

    "I personally have had my own issues with Rooster Teeth, from the second-hand effects of crunch through a partner to being threatened with recasting on RWBY if I didn't accept what they were willing to pay me." [she also fails to mention that her partner ran the department so he was the one forcing crunch on everyone else]

  6. There are other equally-pathetic complaints, such as this one guy who believed he was entitled to be on camera and posted a long Twitter thread saying he's been traumatised by his time at RT before ending the thread by posting a link to a rap he wrote about it.

  7. This Tweet:


I'm only scratching the surface - /r/roosterteeth is a constant flow of new seethe. Most of the employee complaints seem to boil down to "I was young and didn't realise that salary negotiations existed" or "no one can force me to work long hours". It's all pretty weak.

Kdin said the N-word:

Here's the meaty bit - Kdin was the first former employee to complain which in turn started this whole complaint train. An ardent follower of the autistic gamer -> :marseytrain: pipeline, Kdin is now a v-tuber with the most disgusting avatar you'll ever see. Yes that is a wolf with bolted-on tits:


Someone just found an old video of xer dropping the hard-r, which of course means the zoomers must now cancel xer. Note that this is far worse than someone writing naggers on a whiteboard which Mica Burton was crying about the other day. The community ties itself in knots:

I see a lot of people pinpointing the N-words...but did anyone listen to the rest of it (at least until the video ended)? The N-words weren't even the worst part of it. Kdin goes into a full blown screamfest about the black race as a whole being super easy to offend. It all sounded like insanity to me, so maybe I'm missing the point they were trying to make (if such a point exists) but yeeeeesh that is a really poor look.


Damn that was a very hard R


Damn, from all of her accusations she seemed to fit right in with RT.


I think this just shows early RT culture and a larger reflection of internet culture as a whole from that era. Tons of people didn't know any better, and that's not an excuse but maybe it can be somewhat of an explanation at least.

However, this doesn't invalidate Kdin's problems with wage theft and abuse in any way.

Let's finish by sparing a thought for the overworked :marseyjanny: of /r/roosterteeth:

[mod sticky] Whew boy, of all the things to happen on my shift.

At least you are paid well for moderating this sub

I'm just tryna eat my lunch and watch cartoons

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>Neurodivergent basement dwellers pretending to be the moral authority

>both sides end up devoured by their own hubris

you love to see it :marseycheers:

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