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It is 12:26AM Nov 1 where I live, and yet the homoween themes have not been removed

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cockroach confirmed


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Rugby :marseypuke:

At least that’s what I presume that is idk im a AFL man

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lmao u a mexican?

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No I’m a Victorian who doesn’t care for uncivilised sports like anything other than AFL

I’m presuming by the jumpers it’s an Aussie team, but idk which

carn the catters

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yes, you're a mexican learn ur own state terms like darn girl

tho I wouldn't expect a wop like you to understand the strategy and skill inherent in the State of Origin, go back to your little girl's sport

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Oh sorry I don’t know the sport where you do some bum sniffing, run for 5 metres, fall over, repeat ad Infinium, instead preferring what 4 of the 6 states prefer

Also while we’re at it a schooner is r-slurred, a pot or a pint is all you ever need- one for social drinking and one to get drunk, there’s no need for an in between

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>4 of the 6 states

oh no the South Australians and Tasmanians are on your side - but I guess an army of r-slurs is what you need for AFL

also while we're at it only a kitty drinks a tiny baby beer socially, schooner and pint are the only sizes you need, just take a teaspoon full of cements and harden the frick up, princess

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Oh yes the two oldest football (of any variant) teams that went professional in the world are Melbourne and Geelong, sure seems like a sport of r-slurs compared to idk a sport where people wear helmets to avoid their brains being turned into 100% mush instead of 95%

Also sorry alco, people drink for other reasons than just to get drunk, hence why a pot exists, I however also agree that people should toughen up and be drunk more, which is why the pint exists. The schooner only exists to be an inoffensive corporate friendly size for a drink, which is why you see schooners at every major event where they’re scared of people getting drunk

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you might be thinking of burgers, NFL boys are too busy doing lines of coke off a dead hooker (like a real man) to wear helmets lol

I'm sorry your poorcel sport players had to get together to fight for money lol, not sure how that's something to boast about though. it's like boasting that soccer is popular

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