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Space drama! Redditors absolutely fuming as someone dares to mention SpaceX


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This reads like Russian translated to English. Frick off Elon you weirdo

Opposing opinion detected -> activating Russian bot protocol :marseynpcmad: :marseyleftoidschizo:

"a better future for humanity"..well may I ask how? Going to Mars after we destroy this world to destroy the next one? Common Elon Boys wake up.

Nooo you can't just heckin destroy an already dead planet :marseysoycry::marseymars:

Guys stop bringing up Elon, we all know it was the overworked engineers and mathematicians who helped do this, while Elon was enjoying the money from his daddy’s emerald mine

Akchually anyone could have done it, they just didn't want to :marseywholesome:

truly amazing......imagine what 10, 20 years from now will bring

Riots, droughts, diseases ans poverty from the looks of it.

You MUST be depressed. Optimism is not tolerated :marseysunflower: :marseyshooting:

Because this problem was solved in the 1960s

NASA has literally flown a rover to mars, landed it, and then drove it around the planet. TWICE!

So yeah, not sure why I am supposed to be super dooper impressed with this. It is cool, but this is not new.

You should know that NASA did something unrelated before :soyjakanimeglasses:

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Man you are a pretty pathetic piece of shit aren't you. I got no problem jerking off to any porn that is legal and consenting. In fact thanks for reminding me. I'll go jerk off to some gay porn right now. You got a problem with that? You're just a fricking coward who's afraid of what you don't understand. You get on multiple reddit accounts to make it seem that even one person is on your side. How about you stop being a piece of shit and try being a nice person?


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