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Not drama, but does anyone else get legitimately upset when you see children that has been grasped by redditist-tumblrism?

Not a very good way of describing it, but you get the point. Sometimes I see something and I just have to try to reason with them and I know it’s pointless but still. Poor saps who are literally children - 13, 14, 15 - and their minds are addled mush. I don’t mean they are ones getting baited by lovefor subs, but the ones that seem deranged. The ones that are (usually) tankies that hide under the anarcho-communists aesthetic because they don’t know what either are. Who are obsessed with gay and trans and femboys too the point where it’s legitimately disturbing. The ones who spend all day, every day, looking for shit to seethe about on reddit. Especially depressing are the ones who :marseytrain2: out as it’s clear they all are acting out for attention (let’s be honest, none of them have social connections but the :marseytrain2:s also have no family connections).

Like holy frick it becomes painful to see. Haven’t even made it to highschool yet for half of them and their fricked. Their lives are fricked. I know I could call them all worthless subhumans and they basically are, but it’s not their fault. Everyone failed them. Their parents, their teachers, and the way social media sites function it was bound to happen.

I have no idea if I’ve ever convinced someone to at least reflect, but I still got to try, you know? The way their going they’ll have 2 options, suicide before 20 or a lifetime of misery and nobody deserves that. If some moron is 25 and then they start fricking up their life that’s one thing, but someone who’s not out of puberty left never even got a fair shot.

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If you check my reddit account you’ll see what spurred this. Dude has no hope. 15 and he has no hope. Still not the worst case though. Those are the ones where you can check their post history - flaired as 13 or 14 on r/teenagers, and their accounts are old. Those are always bad. Fricking 11 when they started posting about hentai, 12 when they get hit by the full force of groomers. It’s fricked up.

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Could you cool it with the autism?

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its a joke calm down

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Sorry fam, but it's my way of ostriching. Will get too depressed whenever I think about how we've failed the youth.

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That’s fair.

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Who let the zoomer in here? C'mon pick up your fricking kid before it shits its pants.

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I'm a boomer, chud

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That is unironically one of the worst subs I have ever seen on reddit. Worse than r/teenagers by far. They make their identity revolve around hating a meme sub. And the mod is a perfect example of that type of person turning 18. Failure running for useless degrees they probably won’t achieve.

It’s horribly depressing

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I'm gonna keep it 💯, some of your responses beyond the first were foolish af. You went from salient advice to aggressive tone, discrediting everything you said prior. It came across as disingenuous despite your first comment being perfect advice.

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I got bothered after reading through many pages of his post history and then his lack of understanding shit he rallies against. My bad.

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Are we seriously having r/unpopularopinion tier rants now?

Yes, redditors are stupid. Younger redditors are often even stupider. But you literall went to PCM trying to start a genuine discussion about... something. I don't know what you expected.

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Not PCM, enoughPCMspam.

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Even worse, lmao. A sub dedicated to combatting a meme sub. Why in the frick would anyone expect to have a discussion there?

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OMG, I just spent like 40 secs reading those comments. The loser said "I'm in therapy, it just rolls off my back", as a FLEX. Don't worry about it too much, most likely the real world will beat the nonsense out of them. And some people are just goners. You'll go crazy trying to save the world. I tell you what though, i'd probably end up in prison if these idiots tried to brainwash my kids.

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That meme isn't even true, it can't be. First of all they didn't even define what that structure even is so it's ambiguous. Second there's very little research on that specifically. Usually they just check desistance, domestic abuse and suicide rates not how support lowers their suicide. Third the suicide succeed rate iirc is like 0.9% male born before desistance kicks in. The average suicide rate of a male is like 0.01%. Wait also 4th they're comparing all trans vs cis men which doesn't even make sense as trans men/women have differing rates as same as cis do.

Also I hate trains.

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yeah r teenagers is a cesspit of societal sepsis and wholesome :!marseytrain:s

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Tell me you are a bigot without telling me you are a bigot.

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Pretty shocked that that kid is only 15 and already so far down the rabbit-hole.

I doubt I'm the only one on here who used to seethe online until it became unhealthy: rdrama is unironically quite therapeutic - taking things that would once have consumed you and just ripping the shit out of it and learning to laugh at it.

I regularly take a break from social media: uninstalled Twitter, never been big on Facebook, and only go on Reddit (never posting) when I see links from here. It can skew your perception of what the majority of people are like, and I genuinely think a lot of it exploits just how primitive our brains are.

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