The evil government is working with the bideo game industry to brainwash fat nerds into joining the military :marseyschizotwitch:


Most g*mers, can see past this, I would like to think.

There are g*mers who think that the message of the fallout series is "capitalism is the best and nukes are cool" bro no the fricking cant 😭😭😭

It truly amazes me that the r-slurs who reeeee about captalism never take a step back and wonder "Am i being r-slurred?"

The all-encompassing message of Call of Duty is this: “Everything the US Armed Forces does is justified, because they always do what MUST be done - even the war crimes.” Sickening

Shooting stuff in a videogame is fun. You have to be absolutely r-slurred to fall for propaganda in CoD, but then again, you are american, so you probably are stupid as frick.

Burger BTFO out bya Somalian

I've been telling people this for years (I played the games for years) but always get the same "studies have shown video games don't contribute to violent behavior" routine when that isn't the point whatsoever. They are desensitizing people to militarization.


Maybe it is but I’m still playing it

The problem is that children play this and they don't know any better, They are gullible. You are able to separate fiction from reality.

When I was a child, I watched road runner cartoons. Not once have I tried dropping an anvil on anyone.

This analogy is absolutely dumb lmao COD involves real people and real-life scenarios that have actually happened. Nobody was implying the kid would go out and shoot up Arabs. What I'm implying is that they believe and understand these events in the way COD is portraying them.


this is literally all media that depicts the US military

"Everything is propaganda and only I can see it"

News as old as CoD 2019, and it should be obvious just from playing the campaigns. Don’t buy these games. US propaganda isn’t what it used to be, nor is the regime.

Its over for the US. They've been found out


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I totally believe this. They make the operators in the games so cool looking and badass. I've definitely heard similar things with war movies too

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As Stanley Kubrick said, it's impossible to make an anti-war movie.

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Generation Kill kind of did it.

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Yeah Generation Kill is easily the most grounded military movie/series to date in my opinion.

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Darn thats a good point. Even movies that show the brutality and evil of war kinda end up making it look tight

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The only anti-war movie anyone could make is the main character farting around in an office all day and having his stripper wife cheat on him.

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So Jarhead almost

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I hear the soviet movie "comr and see" manages to do it but haven't seen it yet

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Its probably true to some extent. But I figured if you're r-slurred enough to be convinced by a bideo game to join the military you were probably gonna end up there anyway

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It's funny how people really think it's some major conspiracy. The way it works is a video game company reaches out to whatever branch they want to work with. The branch either agrees or disagrees based on certain rules. If they agree then the DoD has the game company sign a contract based on the agreements between both parties. Then the military provides technical support and/or assets for 3D scans and audio captures.

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Maybe more people being r-slurred about these games the proles love will make activision stop pandering to wokies like adding the ability to be an unironic they/them drone pilot in Cold War

Probably not

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The more professionalized and indirect the war machine becomes, the more they gain from recruiting they/them drone pilots in real life. Psycho chuds aren't the core of a successful modern military, which is why Russia is doing so poorly.

Right now the MIC actually employs a lot of wokies and they make a big push on college campuses. Though they still need the pillar of scary rednecks to die on the front lines. So we should expect modern military propaganda to incorporate progressive cultural signaling mixed with traditional bloodlust and xenophobia.

True leftoids will oppose it, but they're a minority compared to shitlibs.

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It's not so much the wokies, but the career NCOs, the tech advantage and logistic management that gives the US military its strength. The wokies and mediocre pay are actually eating into the NCOs for the US military, which is causing quite a bit of worry. Wokies will treat the US military like a job and a career path, but they won't really have much loyalty and will be more likely to leave for the private sector, while the old conservative military families would stay for their entire career.

The Russian army is shit for the same reason the Soviet army and Arab armies were shit during the cold war, few NCOs and terrible logistics. The COs in the Russian and Arab armies treat their soldiers like disposable cattle and have an aristocratic mentality to them.

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unironic they/them drone pilot in Cold War

Is this for real lol?

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Yeah they had a non-binary option for your character, a member of a Reagan era CIA hit squad.

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Sounds about right.

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I believe this as Bradley Manning was a gender bender chair force pog traitor who sold out his bothers to make friends with internet queers

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Lmao I had to look up who that was. You got me with that one


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Based and based you mean.

:marseygigachad: I WILL KILL YOU

:marseygigachad: NOT IF I KILL YOU FIRST

:marsoy: War is bad you guise

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No email address required. wouldn't be first attempt, e.g. America's Army

Incidentally it shut down May 5th of this year

To date, no industry has embraced games as warmly as the military, though. America’s Army, for example, started with an initial budget of $7 million of your tax dollars at play—and quickly grew from there. Recognizing that players know a quality title when they see one (and ignore and ridicule poor-quality efforts), it assembled a team of proven developers and bought a license for the Unreal Engine, which was (and remains) one of the premier game engines on the market.

How well did it work? A 2008 study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that “30% of all Americans ages 16 to 24 had a more positive impression of the Army because of the game and, even more amazingly, the game had more impact on recruits than all other forms of Army advertising combined.”

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It's not about convincing it's about conditioning how do literally zero of you r-slurs understand this?

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You're still an r-slur if it works on you

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It unironically pushed a lot of kids in my school into cadet programs

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The military has always been cool.

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The war movie thing is real because you can gain access to some military facilities and tech if you fellate them enough.

I've seen army recruitment ads that play on Twitch streams where they focus on fighting itself, they show tanks and explosions and war zones and so on. Instead of the old "see the world" or "build career skills" crap.

Who knows if the military actually gets a say in CoD, but they definitely use it as a vehicle to advertise to r-slurred g*mers.

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Yeah they'll let you use defanged equipment like vehicles see: Monster Hunter

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Why did you have to remind me of the Monster Hunter movie that never should've existed.

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The actual roles that offer that shit don't really show up in ads as they don't need to. Also it is hard and takes ages to get in as them.

Half the time they are the ones asking you.

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I watched some COD kiddies grow up who were obsessed with all the different gun types and stuff, and they all joined the military, the most neurodivergent became an army ranger. They all totally got it in their heads from playing COD, 100%

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They have a black foid with vitiligo in it, lmao.

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Not in the singleplayer. Yea the heroes they use in multi are all pozzed but the single player characters are bad butt British, American, and Mexican spec ops

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I play the black foid with vitiligo and have the trans flag as my calling card.

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The next CoD should focus on a more realistic experience to make potential recruits aware of the realities of their service: A good portion of the characters are hicks from the south, a fair portion of the characters, southern or not, could pass as intellectually challenged, the player is given a lot of cool toys to play with, but no permission to actually use them 99% of the time, and the advertising campaign should be for the biggest, most badass combatfest of the whole series only for players to spend the whole 20 hour campaign working as truck mechanic.

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The Onion already did that bit

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