BIPOCs become BIChuds after learning about the guaranteed income program for :marseytrain2:


That’s wild I have never seen a program designed to guarantee income for black folks

its way easier being black than trans, let alone black AND trans people

Ever since they gave you neighbors unlimited data,it’s like y’all have a “who can say the stupidest shit” contest everyday

darn what about the poor thats rising in cali they should get money first.

"let's take the money from these poor people and give it to these other poor people because the first ones don't deserve it" is a wild take I'm ngl

1200 a month to dress like Tyler Perry??? Sign me up

Darn you thought this was funny

why tho … 😂 they not special they regular people just like us …

Oh now we regular people? 😂😂😂😭

yes you’re regular men just like us. always have been. the only thing that we have and y’all don’t is s proper father figure

The LGBTQ community needs to stop forcing ppl to like them shit so annoyed

They ain’t oppressed you can argue that they have more rights than a cis man or women LBH

Good, this is a step to combating transphobia

Frick trans

They’ll do anything except help the homeless

True but I think there are economic reasons behind that

they aren’t just economic reasons tho they just don’t like black people lol

See, told y’all it was a disability.

So you can alter your body to look like the opposite gender & get paid monthly for it. 😂

Why they ain’t do that for black people tho?

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Under the gender identity category, applicants can choose from options like “Aggressive (AG),” which is an “identity label claimed by some African-American and Latin@ masculine of center lesbians,” according to the University of Florida LGBTQ+ Affairs office.

Lol aggressive African women, Das racisis

ninauposkitzipxpe didn't look like a real word but apparently it means "Manly-Hearted Women"

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They grabbed every foreign term for tomboy, femboy or even just gay and declared that they meant trans.

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They think because the r-slurred Indians treated the weirdo :marseytrain2:s like some special spirit queer that they were just a regular part of society

No they were a novelty and the people who danced around fires chanting weird shit loved a novelty

They weren't just "one of the girls"

the males weren't expected to want to frick them

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This sounds like the kind of “cultural appropriation” wokes are always complaining about

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Too bad they didnt appropriate their smallpox too what the frick is all this shit


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