:soymad: :chadjew:


Impotent seething:

>It’s a trip to hear Israeli Jews basically saying the 14 words but in reference to themselves.

>I literally gasped when some ultrazionist ranted at a black man: "You should all be in camps". Like, dude, make some tea,we have a lot to talk about.

>Lol "go back home"...wtf bruh....all these people need to touch grass...they straight up moved into peoples houses just kicked them out....

>Can America stop giving them money, now, so they can fall off the face of the Earth?

>Time to cut them off, and see how they do without the United States' funding.

Yeah ok buddy good luck with that lmfao

>Anyone shilling for Israel or U.S. and NATO policy for Israel is a shit human being

>Israel is the new Nazi Germany…

>Dumb comment

>Google forced sterilization of Ethiopian Jews. Israel govt got caught with so much red handed evidence they had to just come clean and admit it.

>White supremacy has gone global. That's the sad part.

>The original Jewish people were not white Europeans who spoke Yiddish. They were black. Of course this inconvenient fact begins to call into question what the right of return actually means and to whom it should apply. It's almost as if an African American begins to practice Buddhism and then claims a right of return to tibet.

>Jews β˜•οΈ

>Yet YE was the bad one.

>Jews be like

>YOU SHOULD ALL BE IN CAMP 😳 Darn the audacity of these people! Your ancestors are fuming mad in their graves for having you in their bloodlinesπŸ”₯

>Is there a single positive thing to say about Israel if you don't have pale skin?

>Im from austria i only have positive things to say about israel (by law)


>Jesus christ, it just gets more fricked up.

>Yikes I didn’t know Israel was so racist.

>Psychopaths. What is wrong with these people?

>Fricking Israeli scum did the holocaust teach you anything?

>The antisemitism in this video and comment section πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ The Israelis in this video are right, what if those Sudanese were a hamas general building weapon 200 missiles hamas base? Remember holocaust 6 millions? Stop being antisemitic reddit.

>Stop being racist Israel

>Shut the frick up racist scum.

>Go to heck racist hypocrite.

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Everytime some idiot aays "but but but they sterilized black people!" I know how very little they actually did their research. They gave the women the same darn shot foids in america take: it wears off after 6 fricking months. Sure doing it without telling them is scummy, but it's hardly "sterilization".

But yeah, morons like this lady exist everywhere

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