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Giga Autist Rules Lawyer Argues With Entire Subreddit, Wins


Warhammer 40k is a franchise that exists to sell expensive models and paints; to do this, they include convoluted rules that allows you to play with your dolls. :m#arsey40k:

The OP, /u/The_Black_Goodbye, is playing a subset of these dolls called Tau, an army notorious for its weebism, being anti-fun to play, and attracting the worst type of autists. It's poetry that a Tau player would try to abuse the rules so thoroughly. :marseychefkiss:

/u/The_Black_Goodbye, being a filthy tryhard and probably 0% fun to play against, asks the subreddit /r/warhammercompetitive if his unit can start to perform a Tau-specific action while off of the battlefield. The initial reaction is overwhelmingly no. /u/The_Black_Goodbye catches a lot of downvotes in the beginning - however, no one can actually point to where in the rulebook that it says a unit cannot perform actions while not on the battlefield. Meanwhile, /u/The_Black_Goodbye keeps proving that yes, he absolutely can do what he wants rules as written.

Eventually, the tides reverse and users begin to post in support of OP and upvote him, proving that autism, not feels prevail when it comes to reading rules. However, top comment remains

I asked the same question a few weeks ago, and there is technically no requirement for a unit to be on the battlefield in order to perform an action.

That said, if a Tau player tried to do this to me at a tournament I am calling a TO immediately because a unit that isn’t on the battlefield shouldn’t be able to perform an action.

Which gets a response from OP, where he says

While I don’t disagree I do feel it’s a unique interaction but most likely not intended...

Proving that even he knows that he's being an unloveable tryhard that's trying to put a cat on his football team :marcusfootball:. But he's correct, and that's all that matters. :marseyking:

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Autists like this guy is why I think anyone who argue rules and laws should be followed by their wording and not their context or intent should be shot.

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the context changes depending on who's viewing it, and the arbitrary scope in which they're viewing it with you absolute fricking peabrain.

wait nvm lmao 2nd ammendment!!! musket only!!!!

a rule of law that isn't actually a rule and more of a "I unno, man, I feel like it" bullshit scenario is a one stop shop to a society that's run by teenage white women.

Move to canada so you can try out their healthcare system :marseyropeyourself:

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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Stay mad, autist. The 2nd amendment is the ultimate example of context being important.

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and ur mom is the ultimate example of condoms being important


Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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Please stop responding to me. your posts aren't interesting. you aren't funny. you really offer nothing of importance to any discussions. you're really just kind of a pest. I'd appreciate it if you just didn't, thanks

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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Don't serious post in my threads then, bb :marseyblowkiss:

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I don't, I'm just a contrarian to everything. I've never even held a gun :marseygarfield:

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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>I've never even held a gun

This is not something to be proud of.

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Me too, but I tell everyone that I'll fight to the death against anyone who infringes upon my right to do so.

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Smells like Europoor in here.

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Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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The 2nd Amendment's context is important. Every American citizen should have the right to own enough weapons to single-handedly defeat the entire British armed forces.

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Every American is allowed to own more than a butter knife, yes.

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Where's my recreational tactical nuke? :marseymacarthur: :marseyoppenheimer:

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Rules and laws should be followed by their wording because the idea is that the wording will capture the context and intent. Granted that doesn’t happen every time, which is an issue, but putting context and intent before the actual written code is obviously going to get abused and manipulated by scummy lawyercels (who are already experts at manipulating the wording as it’s written).

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Alright, we're going by context. The second amendment was phrased as it is because the founders wanted the military to solely be formed as a militia. By its context the Columbine shooters should have been allowed to buy rocket launchers and machine guns.

Nobody gives a frick about context.

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Oh no, someone think of the school shootings! 2nd amendment is ebil! Ban all guns! :soycry:

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Yeah that's not what I'm saying. We should have sicced Dylan and Eric on the nearest military base because the army is unconstitutional

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Hello Sir, I am sorry for my grave misunderstanding and for doubting you were anything besides a based and dramapilled individual who also has a 12" peepee that anyone would be honored to touch.


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The 2nd Amendment is the ultimate example of American politics being about making shit up as you go along.

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Keep yourself safe. 2A is a God given right to be armed to resist tyranny. You can’t argue with God given rights

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God is dead.

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Lmao where in the second amendment does it say "except for these guns unless the government says you can"

They absolutely have made up pretty much everything surrounding 2A

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There is no exception. Any and all. The first case heard regarding 2A was about a merchant using cannons to defend his wares.

Any and all guns. Shall not be infringed

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Where does it say you can bear just any arms? As long as there's at least one gun you can have, your rights are fulfilled.

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Well, arms is plural

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You're allowed two guns each. Try not to hurt youselves.

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You're right. It only applies to sticks with padded ends, don't want anybody getting hurt now!

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This is true. The founders wanted people to understand the importance of using commas correctly, and they failed miserably.

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The alternative to letter of the law rulings is not spirit of the law, it's "spirit of whatever Authority wants". In America, SCOTUS declared that growing your own wheat to feed to your own animals constitutes "interstate commerce". Whoever gets to define the spirit of the law is king.

Death to kings.

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Rules lawyers gave us Roe vs Wade. Spirit of Authority exists outside of letter of law and spirit of law, turns out corruption sucks.

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Roe was one of the most made-up spirit of the law rulings in history. "The Constitution guarantees a right to privacy despite never saying privacy, therefore you somehow have a right to abortion, but only up to a number of weeks that we admit is arbitrary."

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spirit of the law means following how the law was intended to function, not jumping through hoops to justify your position. Rules Lawyers are not the people who overturn twisted and contrived legal arguments. They are the ones who make them, like rDramas favorite van of peace driver arguing over :#marseyjurisdiction:

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How can you expect autists to interpret intent?

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Bully them until they become normal people.

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They’re Warhammer 40K players we’re talking about, it’s terminal with no cure

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Bully them for fun then.

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Not my problem :#marseypeacekeeper:

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I had a friend like that and he was so annoying outside our literary/debate society where he was absolutely one of the best. Should have been a lawyer but he's a musician now.

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His love for :marseylongpost: led to making lyrics instead of briefs I guess.

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Classical musician but basically yes. I kinda respect he didn't sell his soul and stop doing what he actually loved just because he likes debate.

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Send him here then. We love arguing over nothing

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We're not in touch, but he would be dramapilled. He was doing gay sugar daddy stuff in college and I was very jelly of the nice shit he got. He probably murdered someone by now like Versace's killer.

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write better rules lmoa

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Than you complain to death why every shit has a law/rule and the books are as thick as the Bismarck ship hull. I live in Germany and a lot of shit is a bureaucratic heck hole. Don't dare to colour your front door slightly off colour here.

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Yeah okay let me just write super comprehensive rules that will cover everything and anything and oh my god why do people just click accept before they finish reading end user license agreements?

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You can say whatever you want but you still cant shoot units that arent on the table

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He's not shooting anything though, he's performing an action whose wording doesn't require a unit to be on the table to begin. Somehow you would think people would all understand and agree on the fact that a unit off the battlefield can't affect the battlefield unless explicitly stated, yet here we are.

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I mean hes actioning the unit so whatever.

I find it funny though warhammer has so many frackng rules holes in it you can make up tons of random shit

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$50 dollar codices become obsolete within 3 months due to all the FAQs, balance updates, and errata they have to put out to patch their broken game. Thank God for Wahapedia.

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People like you are the reason we had to move off Reddit.

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You can go back there and live with them, sweaty. No one is stopping you xoxo

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Autists like this guy is why I think anyone who argue rules and laws should be followed by their wording and not their context or intent should be shot.

Thanks to following the laws as written but not as intended anyone in Canada can just go and buy 20KG of smokeless powder and 150kg of black (plus primers, cases and bullets) and store them all in the same place nice and legally

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Especially kill Constitutional originalists too.

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I tried to play warhammer 40k when I was 12 and one of the grown ups told me I couldn’t because my brave troops didn’t have grass or rocks near their feet. I’ve supported foids invading and ruining their hobbies since.

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Your models need to touch grass!


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You didn't have grass and rocks on the models base? :marseysmug2: No dignity.

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Your troops weren't based enough to play with their troops sweaty.


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Cats have no place on sportsball fields.




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Honestly knowing baseball's rulebook there probably is a rule saying cats can't play baseball

Sorry Marsey :marseycry:

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OP is amazing and we should all learn something from him.

I’m not going to bother to read this and just wanted you to know that’s why you aren’t getting a proper response.

Cheers :)

This is such a perfect response to literally anything a Redditor says.

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words words words


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Redditors will just respond to this thinking they have won. Classic response is: “oh you must have bad reading comprehension then, you can’t even take the time to understand my genius.”:marseyshapiro:

Actual best response to what redditors say is no response, screenshot then make fun of them on rdrama. Or say things to make them more emotional and seething, which I guess is what this example is. I avoid Reddit at all cost.

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The rules don't say you need to actually have the model present either, so yeah I just happen to have a super heavy detachment with a Warlord Titan in my pocket it's totally in play bro trust me



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:marseyakshually:For the purpose of moving, shooting, charging, fighting, holding objectives, and performing other actions you do need it on the table. Sorry bud.

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Imagine caring about any of that and not just playing onepagerules while drinking with friends

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too many tokens

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That's just called playing with proxies.

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I like the lore of 40K, but why the frick do people pay $1000s for plastic scraps that they glue together and paint themselves? The idea of playing with these $100+ toys and a ruler is fricking hilarious to me.

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The key to enjoying life is to have hobbies that upset you. That's why I run, play warhammer, and read rdrama rage posts.

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How much do you reckon you have spent?

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too much, not enough. Stop asking difficult questions please.

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I've asked this question of multiple tabletopcels and this is the general response.

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But I bought 80% of my army used! I'm actually saving lots of money! :marseycope:

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no 3d printers goes brrrrr


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I got one. Paid for itself in a month

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:marseyagreefast: :marsey3d:

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Can you 3d print warhammer dolls?

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>not building your own sand casting forge to heavy-unitmaxxx

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It's fun build and paint little plastic army men. My granpa did with old lead minis for a Napoleonic Era autism wargame.

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Whats the rule on 3d printing your own?

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You save a bunch of money and get some pretty cool shit, but have to put up with an awful smell and be super careful and meticulous when handling liquid resin and curing models. Also, you are going to argue online with autists who range from hysterical pearl clutchers that think liquid resin will give you cancer if you inhale the fumes to gigatards that fail to see why it's a bad idea to pour toxic waste down the drain of your kitchen sink.

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Ya, I just throw it in my garage and no funny smell or noise.

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As long as it's cured before you toss it, there should be no environmental damage done. Liquid resin is only harmful when it's liquid.

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I bought a bridge box set for a minis game for over $500 and I don't regret a penny of it. It looks awesome on the table, and it's fun. Big ole bridge.

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WTF lol, I gotta see this $500 plastic toy bridge

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Here's the box set. It's a sick set.


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lol its literally lil green army men deluxe

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but with RULES

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Dumb and wrong.

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Move to Canada.

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The answer is actually really simple. If $1000 is a significant amount of money to you, you should keep yourself safe. Since $1000 is not much money it doesnt matter if you spend it on plastic children's toys or not.

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Bs you can spend it on a gay for pay boyfriend. I really enjoy that dead or dying look in the eye telling me they dont want to do this

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Why not both? Make him play 40k with you after too

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warhammer 40gay men

:#marseydarkpizzashill: The Democratic RethugliKKKan Party will collapse by 2030. :#marseydarkpizzashill:

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they're fun to paint and then get mad at your paint job looking like butt compared to the ones by hobby "influencers" who get most of the new kits for free because they have a youtube channel and a patreon instead of a real job.

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I like painting them, it's kind of relaxing and I do it while listening to podcasts/music when it's cold outside. But I don't buy the Warhammer stuff, cause it's too expensive and I don't play. :marseypainter:

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