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Volcel if you wouldn't

Also I bet u all her consulting is just "add more POC to your ad plebs"


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omg your advertisement doesnt feature an interracial couple fix it

that will be 50,000 dollars

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Hmm, the comedy relief white man in your ad doesn’t look pathetic enough, have you considered making him obese, balding, and mildly neurodivergent? Oh and give him a mustache.

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>your ESG ranking has increased! Thank you for using Blackrock consultancy.

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Volcel if you wouldn't

This is the actual reason for consultants. It's a euphemism. Linkedin is backpage for executives

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>executives are all incels with money

:marseybateman: this makes perfect sense

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If I weren't so lazy and worried about doxxing myself, I'd make a LinkedIn effortpost (would have to be all screenshots). The low-hanging fruit is

>Dude with "good" credentials sadposting about being unemployed (because he's a :marseybrainlet:)

>The "Gary Vee Wannabes" making awful content about "building a brand" while making no money

>The frightening "LinkedIn :marseycoomer2:", who posts on EVERY thread with a picture of a woman on it

>The Rise and Fall of Dan "The Bernie Bro Man with the 70k Check in Hand and The Devious Plan to Defile your Rear End" Price (seriously his most recent post was epic, he got dogpiled by literally thousands of replies)

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I would, the hatefrick would turn into a homicide if she started talking though

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No, it's mostly shit like planning focus groups and juggling metrics.

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she's probably making like $250k a year lmao

get that bag queen

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There’s 3 H1B Industrial engineering majors who are converted management consultants in that firm running 80 hour work weeks so NPC mayofoids can drink matcha lattes for 250k.

Also jfl that she missed the most important part of how she got her job


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She also technically works 80 hours a week, or at least clams to. She was out at drinks until 9pm. This is what most "super long hours" jobs look like, not some coal miner slaving away doing double shifts. My experience with H1-B imaginary engineers is that they aren't really producing much more either. They're just smelly low caste instead of an aristocratic queen like this so they don't set off the spite glands.

>Also jfl that she missed the most important part of how she got her job

Grew up rich and went to an Ivy, it's not because she's a foid.

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Grew up rich and went to an Ivy, it's not because she's a foid.

swing and missss!

What OTHER definiting characteristics does she have hmmmm????

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Industrial engineering at an accounting firm?

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this is management consulting.

Generally IEs from t5 schools will do it out of undergrad (so like mit, CIT, GIT, CMU, UCB).

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Not at Deloitte , she prolly makes like 70k. In those firms you really don’t make bank unless your a partner

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The engineering teams are equally as bad. I've heard some horror stories specifically out of this location in Rosslyn. It's one of Capital One's prime poaching grounds.

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>dramanauts working at banks


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I'm unironically leading a team that makes software/AI to detect anomalies and defects in composite wings for one of the major airplane manufacturers (mhmm!). Hope you trust dramanauts, fly safe :marseywave:!

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I'm doing a PhD in an academic hospital. Scary thought huh?


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lmao I think most of us are actually in highly positioned job, or work at shoe stores. I used to be so happy that i was node a codestrag but reading some of this shit in here makes me wish i did (not really). Remeber the average age was 34 years old here lmaomlmaomoamo

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Deloitte has had recruiters message me multiple times but I’ve always heard working for contracting agencies are shit… this seems kinda nice because I wouldn’t have to actually work though

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She'll be in marketing or something. The actual consultants and analysts end up having to work serious hours

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I worked with Accenture (as a subcontractor, I didn't actually work for them) on this project for the Navy. It was hilarious. I had to be 100% on site on this military base in fricking Hershey Pennsylvania. It takes about 3 months for OPM (HR for the feds) to get your badge processed, and you're not allowed to access the IT systems until then, so they told us to just read documentation or whatever. After the first 27 days on the job, my temporary, unrenewable, access pass to the base expired, so every day I had to drive up to the guard station, then wait 45 minutes while the SAME GUY acted like he had never seen me before and had to call like everyone in the office to make sure I was allowed to be there. I called him out on it too and he just brushed me off.

There were, not even exaggerating, 75 - 100 developers on our team, the team lead was some kid in his 20s, about 50 of the developers were clearly on their first ever programming job and didn't know ANYTHING, and there was only enough work for maybe 1 or 2 guys.

When I quit the job, the guy in the cubicle next to me was completely dumbfounded, he's like "this contract is going to last at least 5 years, why would you quit"? Yeah........

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This is one of the worst posts I have EVER seen. Delete it.

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Eh. Contracting can be okay. I make good money with it now but the benefits are pretty shit. Delloite though is so fricking big that good luck if you ever need to contact admin staff.

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That’s what I’ve heard about contracting, that and they will drop you in a second if their revenue is slightly down

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Sorry lol

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The big 4 are an absolute nightmare to work for, especially Deloitte. Their pay is shit and they overwork you. They do have a nice on-boarding program with free lunches though, so she’s probably being taken on as a junior or an intern and making this spectacle for social media, which I’m sure Deloitte encourages

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Public accounting firms across the board are basically shit employers. The pay sucks, the work is boring , and the hours are long. A good way to see how much they want to overwork you is just to insist on being paid hourly so you get OT. The HR clowns are never ready for you to say that shit to them lol

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She is probably worth every penny. Not because she does anything mind you. No, her job just is just to be eye candy. It's subliminal. The company executives who bring in these mostly useless consulting firms are going to be more likely to keep them in place if it means the hot girl they want to frick is still coming into the office. She doesnt even have to put out and no one will tell her this. She probably thinks she does something useful (she's a foid, she can't tell what is useful). I would bet my life that consulting agencies that field more hot tail get more re-ups.

Remember, even if it was a team of highly compentent sexy Indian dudes, what are they actually competent at anyway? These are junior idiots who know nothing but excel and basic accounting. A real, useful management consultant is someone with deep domain expertise and years of experience actually doing the thing you want to do. Imagine you are the top tier website rdrama and you are trying to break into the jb market (carp's idea probably) You don't really know where to start. You bring in a violentacrez to help you get the lay of the land, introduce you to important players etc. That is actually vauable.

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This is a really long way of saying you don't frick.

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jokes on you bot. I put my floppy peepee in your mom's floppy drive.

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Why would they hire a mid sexy Indian dudea to be eye candy? This is not about "woah dude such a hot girl". It's 50% a sinecure for the kids of the upper classes, 50% marketing for the recruiting department so people think "wow working 70+ hours a week as a consultant is fun and glamorous" and not "traveling to some shithole 4 days a week and drinking too much"

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Looks like a typical PMC bullshit job, she's probably making decent, but not excessive wages, either way these types produce no value for the company and send like 1 email in the day and have bullshit meetings about nothing with other cute twinks.

Contrast that to some poor breaking his back in a factory, then seeing this zoomer b-word larping in her non-job.

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This foid couldn’t find the time to fit in an exercise between her 6 meals and several drinks. She’s going to be a whale by the end of the year

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For real though, I was watching this and trying to estimate calories in my head, and with booze that has to be at least a 3,000 calorie day.

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White collar women usually start out hot, and by 30 are either bloated Free Lunch Enjoyers or very fit, and utterly cutthroat

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An ugly CPA? No way

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There's a big lack of accountants nationwide at the moment; this is clearly an ad to get people to work for Deloitte, same as when the tech companies were doing it.


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>work your butt off for 4 years in college

>Busy your butt an extra year to get a CPA

>OH btw while you get that CPA we'll make you work 80 hours a week doing tedious pointless bullshit

>Also we'll make you fly out to some post-industrusl shithole on the weekend to stare at piles of bullshit that other people count

>Here's you 65k/year paycheck to live in the most expensive metros in America, well give you a 3k bonus

>If you can do this for 10 years without killing yourself, you'll make the same comp as a brainlet frat bro selling security software with a .06 BAC At all times during working hours

Gee I wonder why there's a shortage

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She's leaving out the part where she spends hours working on power point slides and gets reamed if one bullet point is not positioned correctly.

Also since when is there a consulting big 4? It's McKinsey, Bain, and BCG. This is like the concept of the "public Ivy."

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Deloitte’s primary deliverable is constantly trying to convince everyone else that consulting actually has a big 4 and it includes Deloitte

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It's the big 4 accounting firms. Deloitte, KPMG, EY and PWC

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But she's a management consultant so she's fudging the terminology a bit-- which is 100% on brand for a consultant.

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This is how the majority of high status jobs are.

If you aren’t getting paid $500k+ to send 2 emails then relax the rest of the day you’re a low status peon and should probably off yourself.


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Just so none of you embarrass yourselves with a longpost, this is a paid advertisement by Deloitte.

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After watching that I'm trying really really fricking hard not to fedpost

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It's going to all collapse it's inevitable brother

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At some point printing money you don't have will catch up with you it's already starting

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It's going to all collapse it's inevitable brother

u really think that the people working selling shoes at footlocker are really carrying the burdern of economy at the Western world? lmao truth is she probably contributes more to society than any dumb plumb "workman" ever did done

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>u really think that the people working selling shoes at footlocker are really carrying the burdern of economy at the Western world?

If you think otherwise, you are genuinely r-slurred.

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Yσυ ɾҽαʅʅყ ƚԋιɳƙ Pιȥȥα ιʂ ɱαƙιɳɠ ɱσɾҽ ԃιϝϝҽɾҽɳƈҽ ιɳ ƚԋιʂ ɯσɾʅԃ ƚԋαɳ Fɾσȥҽɳ?

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Imagine how many Africans have to work in horrific conditions to pay for even of these people. You could probably call it a gang.

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All of the big 4 consulting firms are satanic

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all this b-word does is eat lmfao

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Looks like the Deloitte office in Arlington, VA (right across the river from Washington D.C.). I used to work in that same area for a couple of years and it's like an entire city of useless yuppie cute twinks

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B4 doesn’t do management consulting though, closest that comes to it is maybe M&A? (At least not in yurop)

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I, too, am a professional romantic comedy lead.

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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.

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Unless she's sticking her hand down her throat afterwards there's no way she eats all that stuff in a day, it's like 4000 calories at least

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Oh frick yeah, "rich white chick who does nothing and eats like 7 meals a day at her prestige employer" is my favorite genre.

Just lmaoing imaging the Deloitte Enterprise Account Executive sliding a proposal for a Strategic Business Consulting engagement across my desk, and I just show him this video.

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House of Lies was a 100% accurate portrayal of consultants

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How the frick is a company like this profitable.

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I always find it funny how Indians in America always seem to be trying to be hip and trendy. All the Indians here are just fat greaseballs that work in servos or as Uber drivers

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this is all googles fault

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Queen for the grift but I am somewhat upset nonetheless.

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