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  • TedKaczynski : I expected better from Pizzashill than to screenpost
  • GovernorOfNewYork : Namestrag without a festive seasonal alt. Pls ban for being a grinch.

Schizo calls to end US constitution because twitter was mean to him

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This man is a fine person who just needs love and comprehension

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Sanest liberal

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Based violent schizo making the rdrama rightoids seethe. 'Noooo you can't torture the former president to death!!' :soymad:

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Do it to Hussain and his associates first

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Rdrama is infested with rightoids :marseysoycry::marseysoycry::marseysoycry: - every leftoid 10 seconds after posting comments like these

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Just chudded @ThermonuclearNecrostorm for threatening the most progressive President we've had since FDR

>anti war, said the iraq war was a mistake, tried to end the war in Afghanistan but got cucked by the glowies

>opposed imperialist NATO

>drove the neocons out of the Republican party

>made peace with North Korea

>advocated for free speech, which protects the voice of the most marginalized

>attacked big corporations using wokism to divide and conquer the working class

>fought against big tech which poses greater threat to public health than big tobacco, big oil, and the military industrial complex combined

>successfully reduced illegal immigration which hurts the working class in the US and in the countries the immigrants came from

>opposed NAFTA which destroyed American manufacturing and exploited thirdworldcels

>signed the most comprehensive criminal justice reform bill in recent history

>signed laws printing more money than had ever been printed in US history, including providing what was effectively universal basic income for large segment of the population, and induced a "labor shortage" so companies had to pay decent wages to actually attract workers

>increased the amount people received in food stamps

>got CDC to issue National moratorium on evictions for first time in nation's history

>signed December 2020 relief bill which sent billions of dollars in rental assistance to the states, providing months of free rent for low income tenants, and with little documentation required, none of the red tape or means testing or benefits cliffs that plague existing programs like food stamps or SSI

>froze student loan payments

>threatened to veto December 2020 bill unless the amount of the stimulus checks was increased

>printed $1400 in stimulΔ« versus Biden's $600

>promoted Operation Warp Speed, and got the FDA to approve the life saving COVID vaccines months before it would normally be done, saving the lives of tens of thousands of people - primarily lower income essential workers who weren't privileged enough to get the kind of job where they'd sit in their apartments on zoom calls all day

@BeauBiden @SoreNoell @grizzly @MarseyUnderMistletoe @NoUntakenNames01 @schizoSQL @getogeto @PublicPolicyEnjoyer @AAVE_Mathews_Band @Absanta discuss


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schizosneks confirmed

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Your pay check is in the mail :marseywink:

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Sentient I just cashed my paycheck

Unfortunately it went through the laundry a few days ago but luckily my laundry machine is butt so it didn't get too wet, somehow the laundry didn't even clean it somehow made it more dirty so the back is covered in dirt and also it's crumpled but I cashed it via mobile deposit and now I will wait for it to clear and have money


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k where's schizostory?

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All them words won't bring your pa back.

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and then tied to a table butt-up (pant) and his voluminous butt cheeks spread wide (pant pant) and his glorious anus lubricated

edit: aww he changed it? What good is it to make a fun dunk on homosexual fantasies for orangemanbad if they change the post I'm dunking on? boooooo

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