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Watchpeopledie.tv, the community that has an entire board dedicated to watching people get beheaded, still apparently holds at least one thing sacred- Proper pronoun use.


OP posts a video of a trans-woman setting herself on fire for the viewing pleasure of the WPD audience, which is totally fine and normal behavior, but then goes on to MISGENDER not once, but twice, this person they are watching slowly burn to death for amusement.

Shut the fuck up. People like you are the reason why this site is in the shitter.
   Take your PC crap back to Reddit

Suck my dick, At least reddit self-regulates. This place used to, but now it's devolved into a hate-filled cesspit full of edgy tryhards and children. The admins need to clean house before it gets out of hand and gets the site nuked.

My dude Reddit self regulated you off their site because even they draw the line at the degeneracy that is snuff films.

i think the description was referring to his sex not his gender.

Ah, using that sex =/= gender thing to justify being a dickhead.

Have some respect for the deceased.

See here's the thing though, like...

Even IF you disagree with it, basic respect costs nothing.

Literally nothing.

When you disrespect someone's identity, you are fundamentally denying their entire lived and experienced concept of self to fit a narrow, idealized view of how people should look, act, and behave. Isn't that the very thing people try to escape from? Why feed into it?

It serves no purpose other than to hurt people's feelings.

Disputes over arbitrary bullshit like gender annoy the fuck out of me.

We're a sentient electrical signal animating meat. It's petty in the grand scheme of things.

We're walking, talking miracles, and we waste it on being shitty to each other when we could be cooperating and building a better world and future.


They keep going with this shit, @moroccanflorist what have you created?

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I mean :marseycarp3: pearl clutches about porn on that site while 90 percent of its users are degenerate moids who jerk off to people dying. Admittedly this is even more r-slurred but the apple doesn't fall far from the tree :marseysipping:

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I don't jerk off to the people dying :marseybeheading: that'd be weird :!marseyno: I only jerk off to the self harm :marseycutwrist:

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I never coom to the material. I just have a morbid curiosity and it has taught me ti appreciate what I have. Also to be very careful around machinery and to avoid Chinese factories. I am the 10 percent.

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Watching people getting yeeted into the afterlife completely fricks over your brain and you should take it as a hallmarker / warning that you got used to it. :marseywave:

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I got used to them over half a decade ago :#marseyscream:

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I'd offer up my bussy to make you see the light again but it is already taken :marseysigh:

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I learned how it's important to have lights on two different phases in a machinery shop, in case the lathe is spinning at some multiple of 60 and appears 'stopped' to your eyes


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Is that a thing? Also how do you not hear it spin

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Yeah, though less common with modern lighting.

Ever ride your bike down a street at night and it looked like your tire was stopped or spinning very slowly? The old HPS street lights would flicker at 60Hz, imperceptible to your eye. It has to do with how AC power has a very brief moment where it crosses 0 volts. Your eyes kind of fill in the gaps and if the tread in your tire repeats at the same frequency as the lights, it looks stopped.

Now imagine instead of a bike tire, it's a lathe. You don't hear it because you're wearing earplugs and standing next to a running CNC.

So the best practice is to have some lights on a different phase so their flicker is out of sync. Today we use capacitors and LEDs and shit to eliminate the flicker, but some old factories still use old magnetic ballasts in their lights


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morbid curiosity my butt u sick frick, if you have watched more than 2 things there it's because you simply like it & i hope you die even more painfully than the people in the videos that entertain you

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Idk man. There's something about seeing a man get flayed alive while funky town plays in the background that makes me realize my life isn't that bad. Helps me not sweat the small stuff.

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I watch it because im bored at work

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