
Day of the journocide is here. African King Elon Musk has banned several journ*lists and large accounts from twitter

Suspended accounts :#marseyban:

  • Donnie O'Sulliven (:marseyjourno:)

  • Aaron Rupar (:marseyjourno:)

  • Ryan Mac (:marseyjourno:)

  • Drew Harwall (:marseyjourno:)

  • Join mastodon account (Social media platform)

  • Its going down news (Anti fascist news network)

  • Elonjet account (:zoomer:)

  • ADS-B Exchange (Open source flight software)

  • Keith Olbermann (:marseyjourno:)

  • Micah Lee (Blogger lmao)

  • Tony Webster (:marseyjourno:)

News Articles


Elon Musk suspends CNN Correspondent Donie O'Sullivan, Washington Post reporter Drew Harwell, NYTimes reporter Ryan Mac and liberal journ*list Aaron Rupar.


Twitter is Banning Prominent Journ*lists Criticizing Elon Musk

NY Times:



Twitter has changed its rules over the account tracking Elon Musk's private jet

Twitter Drama

So, free speech as long as you say what musk agrees with? Got it😡🤬

Private company sweaty.

Elon just suddenly suspended Aaron Rupar He suspended Kathy Griffin for mocking him. He suspended left-wing accounts for telling the truth. He suspended ElonJet for holding him accountable for his carbon emissions. Free speech absolutist, my butt

Elon‘s purchase of Twitter was never about free speech. It was always about controlling the message. Shutting down accounts that tell the truth. Shutting down Ukraine accounts. Makes you wonder who Elon really is working for.


Another one

Night of the Long Knives.


Journ*lists who cover Elon Musk have been suspended on Twitter tonight: Donie O'Sullivan from CNN, Aaron Rupar and the Washington Post's @)drewharwell. Rupar tells me he has "no idea" why it happened.

TOS sweaty

all of these suspensions just occurred only within the last hour. Elon is currently rapidly purging all of his biggest critics and competition from this platform

"Free speech for me, but not for thee"

“And also for the nazis who’s systemic views align with mine”


Kyle Kulinskis:

“Free speech absolutist” my asscheeks

Previous bans: millions of people who told the truth. But that never bothered you

You’re an idiot. I’ve defended literally every right wing hack (even knowing that they’re hacks!) because unlike the insecure billionaire prick you’re simping for I’m principled. Clearly you aren’t.



Twitter suspends official Mastodon account.

More frickery from the pissbaby in chief.

Does he spend any actual time with his children?


Musk’s Twitter nuked the antifascist news website It’s Going Down


World's pettiest man suspends adsbexchange account


Elon has suspended independent journ*list Aaron Rupar

Im curious to know what is the reason

The real one? Fascism. The public one? Whatever bullshit he lies about.

Elon Musk suspends CNN Correspondent Donie O'Sullivan, Washington Post reporter Drew Harwell, NYTimes reporter Ryan Mac and liberal journ*list Aaron Rupar.

The mass purge is happening. Things are escalating and the site is in its death spiral.

Yep. Just made a mastodon account. I follow people that I’m sure are gonna get banned eventually.


Space Karen lost in space

Given how fragile Twitter's infrastructure is now and how few dev resources they have, I wonder how hard it would be to DDOS them.

Isn’t Twitter on AWS? If so not very easily lol

AWS isn't magic, you have to actually have things configured well and pay your bills


Journ*lists that cover the ElonJet story are now being banned on Twitter

What happened to: Private companies have the right to disassociate themselves from anyone they want. Have you ever heard of "Terms of Service?" If you don't like how Twitter does content moderation, start your own social media site. Remember all those arguments?

What part of the ToS was violated?

It's called pointing out the irony. Unbanning all the white nationalists because "freedom of speech," only to ban left sided accounts for hurting his feewings


Free Speech 'Absolutist' Elon Musk bans Twitter account that tracks his personal jet

The fact that folk on the right (or anyone for that matter) think that Elon is on their side is fricking hilarious. His entire demeanor just screams "PICK ME", he wants validation from internet edge lords so bad its pathetic.

What about the people that simply believe that one side of the political conversation shouldn't be shadowbanned on social media?

In no reality is "one side of the political conversation" being shadowbanned. The whole whining that conservatives are being censored is hogwash. Conservatives dominate the space.

It appears Twitter has banned the accounts of Aaron Rupar atrupar and Washington Post reporter drewharwell. Unclear why, but this seems to be the final tweet from Harwell.


Prominent liberal journ*list Aaron Rupar suspended by Twitter

…From following political media for years, these journ*lists stick up for each other when it comes to things that happen like this. You’re going to see a huge backlash from their peers. This just the beginning. Maybe Musk will ban them too, but they can obviously speak out in other outlets.



Elon suspends Aaron Rupar, Donnie O’Sullivan (CNN) and Drew Harwell (Washpo) in a shocking act of censorship.

Many were banned for posting on his jet. This is a matter of safety now for Elon. Shits ramping up before he releases that fauci files. Hope he stays safe, and bans every single loser that tries to post gis location.

Frick Elon. He’s nothing but a troll and a clown


the twitter purge has begun.

this is sorta crazy right? Like there can't be a good or reasonable justification for this? I wonder what the "free speech" grifters will do to defend this shit.

Isn't it fun how THE free speech guy is actually the MOST anti-free speech guy imaginable when it comes to his personal life and beliefs? I wonder what friend of the show Lex will say to this.


Critics of Elon Musk, such as Aaron Rupar and Matt Binder have just been suspended within an hour of each other.

This is just laying the groundwork for a republican presidential bid in the coming decade. And somehow, burning billions on a failed business venture just to boost his ego is working. I guess conservatives really do like incompetent businessmen.

But he can't run for president since he isn't a natural born citizen?

Not until Elon buys America :marseywink:


Twitter suspends journ*lists who have been covering Elon Musk and the company

Elon values free speech, and would never freeze the speach of those who oppose him, so this action was clearly taken by radical fascist Marxists embedded in Twitter's employee ranks to sabotage Musk and the First Amendment too

Boot. Licker.

The only boots I will lick are those of the brave Twitter janitors who have to mop up all the guano from the little blue birds who run on the treadmills to make Twitter work


ViOlAtE tHe RuLes, yOu DeSeRvE iT…didn’t I hear that for the last 6 years

What rules were broken? Where they being hateful, racist, and doxxing people for reporting Elon suspended an account that posted freely available info? Conservatives never believed in free speech and this is a prime example

The point is the subjective rules, the unequal treatment of people against the rules. I think the republicans are just sad garbage as the libs at this. It’s just funny watching the left lose their mind for finally being treated unfairly. Literally the James Franco meme of “first time”

The both sides has arrived.


Doxxing him has consequences.

I don't think you know what doxing means.

Posting Musk's position in real time is doxxing. I know you communists hate consequences but you can make your own platform. Private company after all

Flight paths are public information according to both the FAA and the Supreme Court. It's not fricking doxing to post public information you clown.

It's not public information to know who is on what plane. Nince try though. Keep at it.


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Post this to /r/xkcd right now and it'll be at the top of the sub

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This comic is so badly used.

It is important of course that websites be allowed to set whatever policy about what they want to ban, but this does not mean that they are to always be immune from criticism with respect to those choices.

Nor does this prevent “there being some public forum (I don’t mean specifically like a forum website) where little is forbidden” from being something important for freedom of speech, etc.

“Freedom of speech” should not refer exclusively to government restrictions. Government is just one powerful entity.

How much one should be concerned scales with the power/reach/etc. of the entity.

Example #357297859562 of leftoids being just plain better at rhetoric when presented with the same problem as rightoids.

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They are already going


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Mom, pick me up, the liberals have begun to have reasonable opinions about speech

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Well yeah they don't run twitter now so theyre back to having nuance

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Conservatives only want to haggle over the question of whether or not companies should have that right because they use free speech as cover to avoid answering to the fact that their culture's rhetoric and politicians are a legitimate threat to society. That they both get people killed and actively radicalize people into committing mass atrocities.

The question is not whether or not they should have the right any more than we'd ask whether a bar owner should have the right to throw out people for being a nuisance. Like bars, the internet would become an unbearable place to exist without that right.

The question is only whether or not they should exercise that right in a specific way. To shut down misinformation that's contributing to thousands of preventable deaths per day or violent rhetoric that's being repeated in the manifestos of mass murderers is just fine with most. To shut down people just for publicly disagreeing with you seems obviously not. Still, no one is calling for the government to step in and stop musk. They're just using their own free speech rights to criticize him.

Libs stand by their principles even under fire, because, unlike chuds, they actually have a moral framework.

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Did you actually read all that?


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I read everything not written by a dramatard.

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Has the private company argument been sufficiently memoryholed yet?

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gimme the link. ill comment "relevant xkcd"

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No two words make me seethe more than 'relevant xkcd'. Keep it up

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The REALLY funny part is the hover tooltip


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the government can't arrest you for what you say

I fricking wish:marseybong::marseysob:

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