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HALLOWEEN IS COMING AAHHHHHH | Calling all spooky Marsey artists

So the Marseys will soon be organized into categories. And also it will soon be Halloween AAAAAAHHHHHH. So letโ€™s flesh out what will be the seasonal category of Marseys.

Create an accepted ๐ŸŽƒ HALLOWEEN-themed ๐ŸŽƒ Marsey, get a special, very scary Marsey badge!

We already have a Frankenmarsey and a ghost Marsey. Offhand we still need a vampire Marsey, a mummy Marsey, a zombie Marsey, a skeleton Marsey, Marsey doing stuff with pumpkins, maybe a serial killer Marsey (Jason? Freddy? Scream? idk!), trick-or-treat Marsey, Pinhead Marsey, spinning head scary Exorcist Marsey, and really just about anything else you can come up with.

Someone already did the terrifying Marsey you wanted to do? Do it anyway, it doesnโ€™t matter! We can just add 2, 3, etc. to the end, who cares.

@Sylveon and @TracingWoodgrains your unrelated badges will be done probably tomorrow. Iโ€™m feeling better now and am starting to make some headway with other shit.

edit: yeah weโ€™re gonna do this for every holiday. But seasonal badges wonโ€™t be distributed til the season rolls around. So maybe sit on your Valentines Marsey until mid-January cuz Iโ€™m not gonna remember to issue the lovey dovey Marseybadge 6 months later.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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can any marseycels do a quick rundown on how to use gimp to make marsey edits? I wanna do one but I've never used gimp before. do I need a tablet/pen or can I do it with a mouse on pc?

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Is there something in particular you're struggling with? Just offhand from the stuff I've been doing:

Learning to use paths and doing path to selection is essential for cutting out complex shapes (they're also saved in the path's menu next to the Layers).

Select > Remove Holes is nice for filling in holes in your selection (say if you're using the fuzzy select tool or select by color

sometimes layer size isn't the image size so Layer > Layer to image size is good to know to fix that frickery

Layer > transparency > add alpha channel is good to know if you're manipulating an image without an alpha (transparency) channel (if you erase and get white instead of the squares).

Personally, I think using the Tools menu is much easier than using the fricky square icons to find what tool I want (plus it helps you learn the keyboard shortcuts)

I'd recommend paint.net if you're looking for a less powerful/easier to learn alternative. That has some useful tools that I sometimes switch to because they're easier than doing it in GIMP (The color swap tool is one I've used a lot. and IDK if there's even a line tool in GIMP, but the one in paint.net is great.

Honestly the best way to learn is just by trying something, and looking up tutorials as you go. I literally didn't know how to make gifs before I did the alex jones marsey.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1711210096745272.webp

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Your pulitzer's in the mail

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I can vouch for paint.net, it's what I use to make all my Marseys

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fr? you make high grade marseys. It's now your obligation to do the tutorials

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1711210096745272.webp

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I use Krita. Never used Gimp but I'm assuming it's similar.

The most important part is: use layers.

Creating new lines over the original Marsey? Do it in a new layer.

Painting something? Do it in a new layer.

Trying to shade your colors? Do it in a new layer.

Layers are extremely important if you frick something up.

EDIT: And yeah I use a mouse/KB.

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Is there a Marsey template floating around somewhere I can use to make my spoopy Marsey?

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Thank you!!

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