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  • 2DBussy : smartest pizza post
  • TheOverSeether : ITT: dramatards taking the pizza bait :marseypizzaslice:
  • X : :marseymanysuchcases:
  • Awoo : Even if it is bait, we're here to yell at r-slurs
  • DickButtKiss : Pizza doesn't have the mental capacity to bait or even joke. 100 percent serial
  • THOMAS : pizza is the original bbbb
  • forearmfondler55 : pizzashill owning the chuds as per usual πŸ’…πŸ»
  • Lur : Shitty bait at least put some effort in
  • SneederGriffin : Politisperging and wingcucking
  • YourMom : ur dad should of pulled out
  • BillCosbysPharmacist : Florida has the best beaches
  • SN : ITT: Conservacucks seething

Disney should pull out of Florida.

Florida government will cave instantly.

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Yeah let's just pull our 50 square mile theme part out of Florida and move it somewhere else that can be open year round. Did something happen to your brain in that last couple months?


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Yeah let's just pull our 50 square mile theme part out of Florida and move it somewhere else that can be open year round. Did something happen to your brain in that last couple months?

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Put that shit on rolling logs Shakespeare style

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Frick I just posted the same thing before i saw this

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They could do it, idk why you think it's impossible.

They already considered it.

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considered it.

And found?

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It was easier to get their status back, which they're already doing.

My thing is florida is a 3rd world state and does not deserve a disney.

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pizza, have you ever considered that maybe disney only cares about money, and doesn't give the slightest shit about anything else?

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They could reap massive economic incentives from some other state.

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from where though? Fricking Wyoming where its cold half the year? Texas, which puts you in the same place as before? Where would you put the new Disney World?

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Texas offered them special status and begged them to come lol.

Don't think it's the same place.

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Texas offered them special status and begged them to come lol.

can you share a link to this

here's what i was able to find with a quick googling and i hope to god youre not referencing this

>random county judge outside of houston says texas is better

literally thats it

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so did florida, its just a bait and switch lmao

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In 2026 we'll have the Cuban Missle Crisis Mk II when President DeSantis tries to blockade Disney cruise ships from moving Splash Mountain log flumes to the new Disneyworld Havana site.

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Cuba, chud. Just build a bridge from Florida. Not that hard.

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Bay of Mice ΒΏΒΏΒ‘when!??

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If only they had you as a consultant they could be so successful, shame really :marseydepressed:

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Wait. I thought that two second long lesbian kiss in Star Wars (that’s easily edited out for overseas audiences) meant Disney was wholesome.

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My thing is florida is a 3rd world state and does not deserve a disney.

>tfw you are a Brazilianx macaco and everyone in Brazilstan thinks that the entire USA is solely composed of Miami and Orlando


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FloridaMan here! Happy to be of service! While Florida-North-of-I4 exists, I regretfully inform you it's a jungle kind of thunderdome clear to the Okefenokee Swamp. There's meth goblins, feral monkeys, and skunk apes on the prowl. For all my Latinx friends, please utilize the tried and true ORL/NYNY or MIA/NYNY routes via air to the greater United States. Thank you and enjoy your stay!

Begin ultra-deep "Disney Voice":

Homem da Flórida aqui! Feliz por estar a serviço! Embora Florida-North-of-I4 exista, infelizmente informo que é uma espécie de cúpula de trovão na selva até o pÒntano Okefenokee. HÑ goblins de metanfetamina, macacos selvagens e macacos-gambÑ à espreita. Para todos os meus amigos Latinx, por favor, utilizem as rotas ORL/NYNY ou MIA/NYNY testadas e comprovadas via aérea para os Estados Unidos. Obrigado e aproveite a sua estadia!

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california got the 3rd world thing down and they still there.

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California a much better place to live than florida.

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They have droughts and wildfires every year

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California just a better place to live. By most metrics I believe.

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Pizza's source?

He made it the frick up

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Actually true, but the beaches are trash compared to florida.

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than why are people moving to florida and away from california?

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because cancer metastasizes


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Only if you are a denizen of the hustle and bustle and enjoy hobo ridden beaches and poop encrusted streets. Also Disney already has a park for those kind in CA, its called Disneyland. lol

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Unless you make money.

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Says a lot that democrats can't stop fleeing to a third world state to get away from whatever blue shithole they're escaping.

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"Why yes, most of America lives in blue strongholds, but us rurals in mass population decline are totally more popular."

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the blue stronghold part of the cities are shitholes that homeless and other degenerates congregate in for easier access to gibs. the only good parts are typically around the rim and tend to be purple, followed by red.

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Literally false lol.

Republicans basically only win poorly educated drug addled rurals at this point.

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you know nothing about druggies, pizza.

if the area of the city is blue, it will be either for the extremely rich and privileged (typically trust fund babies) or kill you poor.

the rural junkies are typically r-slurs that don't even vote or care.

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if that's true then how did they get so many votes in the last election if according to your other comment those places are empty?

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Moe people are moving out of California than into it.

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I heard desantis doesn’t even take covid seriously

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florida being a shithole is precisely why they deserve Disney, if you enjoy Disney shit above the age of 9 keep yourself safe

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Florida isn’t a 3rd world state, it’s the most successful Ponzi scheme/drug trafficking entity in the history of the country. Show some respect for the grift

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It’s not hard, they should stay out of pushing politics on children. Then they get to keep state benefits and children aren’t groomed. Win win

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It is the top home-buying destination for HNWI's of the world right now. Weird how so many richs keep moving there.

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Totally agree, I’m still amazed the saudis never bought a Disney park

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whoaaaa buddy lets not get bogged down in the details of this totally feasible and fiscally responsible plan

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A significant portion of infrastructure in Orlando is reliant on Disney, but you aren’t thinking of the opposite direction. Disney world is 100% reliant of the current state or Orlando.

Preventative maintenance, design engineering, labor augmentation, hospitality service contracting, among several hundreds of other tertiary businesses are why Disney World can operate currently in this geographic location alone.

Giving a shit about whether Disney stays or doesn’t stay in Florida is nothing more than a sign of profound mental retΓ‘rdation. It simply is, because there are 60+ years of infrastructure that both survives and supports the current location decision.

You could offer them 20 years of a tax free land grant in another state and it still wouldn’t equal the cash flow of the status quo.

t. DVC at the Riviara. If you have to figure out what that means, then you literally don’t know shit about peepee

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everything was perfectly fine until the opposite wingcucks took power in the state and now it's all so ruined that we must relocate 50 square miles of fixed infrastructure investment

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Surely if we spend billions of dollars to fix this, it could never happen again :marseyclueless:


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It would not surprise me if, with the apparent failure of their star wars hotel they look at downsizing the park to successful attractions only. But they'll spin the story into an irrelevant "red state bad" narrative.

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The stimulant absuse must be finally catching up with him.

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Not only that but the supporting ecosystem in the Orlando area that enables massive amounts of visitors to a plethora of different theme parks.

Truly r-slurred

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They could start by bribing desantos with their silence.


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