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Trans lives matter protestors occupy Oklahoma Capitol building on February 6th how is this even real wtf


They got inside the building!. This is another Jan 6 :marseyqoomer: (Which was another 9/11 :marseybinladen: (Which was another shoa :marseyhitler:))

Chuds react:

“Trans Lives Matter” being chanted from the inside of the Oklahoma State Capitol. Could you imagine such a sight a decade ago? It used to just be a few weirdos on college campus now it’s large crowds in deep red states

Trans Lives Matter protestors carried out an insurrection in the Oklahoma State Capitol today.

TRANSSURRECTION? Trans Lives Matter occupies Oklahoma capitol to protest The Millstone Act - a bill criminalizing genital mutilation of minors

Trump supporters storming capitols vs Trans Lives Matter doing it

So apparently "Trans Lives Matter" is now a thing. I wonder whether the movement's leaders can steal as much money as their Black Lives Matter counterparts?

It's been a thing for a while chud :marseytransflag: Also they're already on that grifter grindset

BREAKING: Trans Lives Matter occupies Oklahoma capitol to protest bill criminalizing genital mutilation of minors

Apprarently they didn't break in and were just let in past the metal detectors :marseydarkxd:

Love how many people are spreading this video around saying that “Trans Lives Matter” STORMED the Oklahoma capitol today. Surprise, they just let us in. They even waved us through the metal detectors. We had a right to be there and peacefully protested. Trans lives matter!

If trans lives matter why do they keep taking their own?

Why are BIPOC the most likely group to be murdered in the US, by other BIPOC? Some questions just have no answers.

I guess it’s not an insurrection if Trans Lives Matter takes over and occupies the Oklahoma capital… apparently the best part of equality is not having to abide by the same rules as others.

From :marseytrump:'s spawn 4 minutes ago, this tweets gonna be hot pretty soon.

Well that's it for me on this one, btw any Germbros mind helping me out with some other steamy drama I' ve spotted?

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:#marseyxd: protesting the criminalization of child mutilation. In another decade they're going to be protesting against criminalizing p-dophiles. This all happened because everyone ignored the insanity that was going on in college campuses and look at the degeneracy, excuse making, lack of accountability it has unleashed on everyone. How do you put this genie back in the bottle

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How do you put this genie back in the bottle

You advocate for the way to do this regularly.

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Edgy posting aside, I'm honestly starting to wonder if it's going to take violence to end this. They refuse to be civil and keep abusing the public with the help of TPTB. There's already been violent pushback at these protests before

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I think it probably won’t end until some of the kids getting pushed into this shit now are genuinely accepted as women and they realize they’re not depressed because trans people are opressed but because they’re neurodivergent shut ins that refuse to act relatively normal long enough to make friends with normies.

A lot of these kids hate themselves because they grew up on iPads and their terminal case of autism kept them from smoothly transitioning into having real life interactions with people. They don’t feel right because they never really developed social skills or even a real personality and they find a group of people just like them that don’t feel right or complete and they get tricked into believing that changing gender will fix all their problems and when it doesn’t help at all they get gaslit into thinking it’s because society hates them for being :marseytrain:s.

Super similar shit happened with the current batch of zoomer incels and zoomer commies too. They all hate themselves and think there’s a magic bullet that will fix their self loathing if only society wasn’t so cruel that they wouldn’t swallow it. :marseytrain:s might succeed in forcing it on society though and I imagine most of them will quickly realize that to their horror that they’re back at square one of hating themselves and now they’re a manlet from the puberty blockers and they’ll never have children or truly enjoy s*x because they mutilated their body.

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We already have many vocal detranitioners and they're hated. You have to throw out the ideology :marseyzizek:, make people focus on other things than :marseyradfem: "validate me!" And THAT would require a complete change in the culture of profs, teachers and journos. I guess: a virulent strain of utilitarianism that reduces violent riots, because that's what capitalism finds best.

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The detransitioners now are almost all foids and the TRA movement is incredibly focused around the trans scrote experience. True believer radlibs think trans men are men and they don’t really give a shit about men and they view detrans legacy foids as terfs so they absolutely hate them. Meanwhile the typical AGP type :marseytrain:s are super misogynistic so they don’t give a shit at all about bio foids wether they’re trans or not.

In a few decades when the scrotes realize they mutilated themselves because they fell for a social contagion, radlibs will just memory hole it all and pretend like they never supported the mutilation of neurodivergent children and it’s crazy that those other nameless people who totally weren’t them did that shit.

People are super good at revising their own history to align with their present rather than acknowledging their actual past positions and plausible deniability and the politeness of others usually lets them get away with it. I really think in 40 years all the :marseytrain: hysteria will have just as much cultural relevance as the satanic child molesting daycare hysteria has today. It comes in, causes a massive fricking ruckus for a decade or two, people realize it is fricking r-slurred, it gets tossed out and memory holed, everyone pretends like it never actually happened, and not a single fricking lesson is learned.

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Transgenderism is here to stay because it's now a billion dollar industry for pharmaceutical and medical companies.


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Sorry ma'am, looks like his delusions have gotten worse. We'll have to admit him.

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the prophet smiles on p-dophiles, for they are his brothers.

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>found 5 lottershe tickets


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You just show them what a neovagina looks like

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Feed the degens to the homeless.

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