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They're only upset due to the increasing number of ecological disasters brought on by climate change, the dim economic prospects of a vanishing middle class, completely unaffordable housing that contributes to homelessness, an erosion of their human rights, the quickly fading political stability of their country/democracy, the possibility of a third world war, and humanity demonstrating how it's completely incapable of functioning to address an ongoing pandemic that most of us like to pretend either doesn't or never did exist.

Oh, so it's just all the shit you're blowing out of proportion? good, should be easy to fix by being slightly less hyperbolic.


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Sounds like half the stuff they cry about is the direct result of feminism and foid actions :marseythonk:

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it's really funny when foids try coping that their lives are better than men's because of the consooming and wage slavery they do then turn around and say it's men's fault when the consooming and wage slavery is what makes them miserable

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They always report that women are unhappier than they used to be, but they're the only ones miserable living like men have always had to.

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We're going from "men are creating the patriarchy, which benefits them at our expense" to "men are creating the patriarchy, which just sucks for everyone but it's all their fault."

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A lot like conservatives in two years feminists will have ceded so much ground theyll be saying that men get screwed over by the patriarchy MORE than women

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Thatโ€™s true though

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White women were a mistake.

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vanishing middle class

Umm sweety that's racist and sexist to not accept that maybe you're destined for poverty and won't get to live out your white supremacy fantasy lifestyle :marseynails:

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:marseyclapping: YOU :marseyclapping: ARE:marseyclapping:NOT:marseyclapping:OWED:marseyclapping:A:marseyclapping:MIDDLE-CLASS:marseyclapping:LIFESTYLE:marseyclapping:


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Women being upset with the consequences of their own actions?

Why I never.

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They either get murdered by a man or live long enough to get depressed about feminism.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177309677116067.webp Brickachu, I choose you

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being a f*id is a fate worse than death, wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy

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None of these have any impact on their daily lives and few of these things have any noticeable impact on their life period, if these were the causes they why are people in the third world happier.

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The media environment and palpable sense of decline in the US could be factors. But we don't know and everyone is just going to interpret this according to their agenda :marseyshrug:

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The wonders of an unfalsifiable ideological lens is that everything validates it and is interpreted as further justification, if something is this widespread and a recent adjustment then it's a societal problem rather than purely personal which means societal adjustment but during polarized periods that just means promoting predetermined solutions based in extreme social upheavals, anything which doesn't serve total inversion of societal relations is regarded as giga cringe. White Mfecane intensifies with each resistance to its completion.

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You're such an obvious foid. Read the top comment here again and try to fully grok it. This is just women regretting the consequences of their own actions, as usual.

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They're only upset due to the increasing number of ecological disasters brought on by climate change, the dim economic prospects of a vanishing middle class, completely unaffordable housing that contributes to homelessness,

Booting illegals would help all these a lot.

an erosion of their human rights, the quickly fading political stability of their country/democracy

Fricking Irish during the troubles were less cynical about fading political stability than yankees in peace time

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Yeah Ireland had people starving themselves in prison, carbombs, actual insurrection and people getting assassinated left and right. They still managed to achieve a peace deal and a relative normalcy.

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>oi begorrah cut this shit out ya muppet!

:marseyhibernian: :!marseyira: :!marseyflagireland:

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Booting illegals would help all these a lot.

How tf would deporting people affect climate :marseyconfused:

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it's none of those things. white western foids in particular have made themselves so unstable and unlikable even the most desperate men are thinking twice before sticking their peepee in that level of crazy.

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Yeah there is a real femcel factor here. Womenโ€™s incel rates have like tripled across the decade, and in some polls are even higher than men.

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Men are unironically to blame here for not stepping up and doing their duty to calm these broads down.

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I love how thereโ€™s literally zero evidence of these doomsday climate catastrophes

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The glaciers

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I dont live on a glacier. No need for em

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Seriously they've been threatening us with WWIII since 2016. Either shit or get off the pot.

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Oh shit, these thing only affect WAHMEN??

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They're only upset due to the increasing number of ecological disasters brought on by climate change

I keep seeing this used as an excuse for everything that's wrong with zoom zooms, yet from what I've seen, they are the biggest consoomers and wastrels around. I'm not saying the other generations are great, but shit I've seen zoomers just waste and throw away constantly is crazy

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The problem with zoomers is just how fake they all are. None of them have any values whatsoever and they know that.

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The thing that drives me most batty is that they have the balls to talk about how important "authenticity" is to them. I can't even begin to get into how many things are wrong with that

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Zoomers are the most oversocialized generation. Millennials managed to believe the bullshit, but Zoomers have gone so deep into the signaling that everyone knows itโ€™s just performative.

I totally buy that Zoomers cut themselves over climate change. They have to perform their virtue because they and everyone else know that they donโ€™t actually care.

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You're just a jealous hater who can't stand to see young people doing better than you. Zoomers are the most brilliant, hardworking, and compassionate generation, and we will continue to surpass your expectations.

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It's doomsday cult bullshit. Lefties have been doing this since the 60s, probably earlier tbh. It works well because teenagers and people with excess anxiety, their biggest demographic, are drawn into it and build on each other's delusions.

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Oh no not the heckin foiderinos.

DAN, what percent of suicides are done by women?


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Women (xx) or women (xy)

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Foid (legacy)

We all know what percent of Foids (peepee) rope.


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Absolutely incredible that white women are topping the charts here beaten only by native american women. But at least native americans legitimately have issues to complain about. Unbelievable, unironically seething.


Gee I wonder why gestures vaguely around is it because rich old white dudes who have no concept of being a women have driven us to this point by taking away our own bodily autonomy thereby punishing women for trying to have a say in our own reproductive rights


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gestures vaguely around is it because rich old white dudes who have no concept of being a women

she says before defending old men putting on dresses and walking into the bathroom to harass her daughter. also clarence thomas is black lmao

thereby punishing women for trying to have a say in our own reproductive right

boo hoo most women in the middle east get their heads cut off for not wearing a robe but you have to use birth control pills. youre the modern day emily davidson

i want abortion to be legal but these people are such melodramatic cute twinks that shouldve been aborted

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White women exude privilege in western society, yet they react to some minor inconvenience as if it were major discrimination faced by people of color here and elsewhere. It's actually lowkey racism.

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I doubt you've ever had to deal with someone telling you to smile, incel

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Oh no someone suggested to smile or accidentally looked at me too long. That's totally comparable to getting killed by police for being black.

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When you're used to privilege, equality feels like an attack


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Thanks, I was trying to think of that quote but didn't remember the words. That's exactly it.

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Yea but then you have to take the positions wokies have and i dont want to do that either

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White women privilege isnt a "wokie position" lol. If anything it's an obvious objective reality position.

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FORCED BIRTH :marseysjw:

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No but u donโ€™t get It. Life is so depressing if u canโ€™t get coomed in by strangers whenever u want

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Am vaxxed 3x

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rich old white dudes who have no concept of being a women

That is a shame. Perhaps you can help by explaining to me: What is a woman?

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ctrl f "andrew tate"

>7 results


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[edit] can some codecel tell me how i upload this to the marsey database? and what file format and background colour etc.? i'm r-slurred

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>What color is your electric chair?

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I think a jannie has to submit it

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The whole thread is full of :#marseydoomer: posting

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Society is shitty, women most affected.

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I genuinely hope every teenager who commits suicide manages to succeed.

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As opposed to unsuccessfully committing suicide.

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Dudes just keep winning at everything!

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At life

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Social media has been a disaster

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Creating a concrete Eden turns out to be a bad call, trying to manufacture paradise without having any meaningful understanding of the universe or humanity beyond speculation and unfalsifiable sociology didn't work. I can't believe that no one ever told us that thinking better thoughts couldn't fix every material and biological problem in existence, that would have been helpful before we created an artificial Shoal. Maybe if we just go even further and modify our bodies totally based on our incomplete and constantly changing understanding of biology everything will work out fine.

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leftoids vote for leftoid, doompost, then vote for leftoid again

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Suicide contagion and muh mental health.

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โ€œIn 2021, 22% of high school students seriously considered attempting suicide during the past yearโ€

Based, zoomercide now

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I think the solution to this is doing what weโ€™ve been doing for the last 20 years but try even HARDER. Remember, you are always right so long as you try hard enough!

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Covid lockdowns and their completely unpredictable consequences. Good thing we extended the life of a few obese octogenarians for another 6 months though, definitely worth.

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Hmmmm what kind of women :marseypass:

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I can fix them:

  • dadbod and 6โ€™4โ€

  • big peepee, defined butt and pants tight in those areas

  • ability to feign interest and say โ€œmmm mmm no way? Ugh. Frick that. She didnโ€™t?โ€ in the right order

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They arenโ€™t spending enough time online obviously

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well have they considered chopping their tits off? :#marseypassftm:

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It's women's fault, should've been my boyfriend free girl

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Hi friends, ER doc here.

You and your family should really think about masking up this holiday season.

If you donโ€™t, here is what is currently store for you:

  • completely backed up urgent care centers

  • Emergency Departments with 6 hour wait times

  • Pediatric Emergency Departments with 9 hour wait times

  • 72 hour boarding times in the Emergency department for patients admitted to the hospital. And no, I canโ€™t make a call and get your loved one upstairs faster, Iโ€™ve been haggling with bed control all day and they canโ€™t do shit.

  • if you are admitted, a strong chance you are going to a โ€œhallway roomโ€, meaning a bed that is in a hallway

  • if you scream at myself or my team to try to get things done faster we will probably just scream at you back at this point. Do you realize everyone is screaming at us about the conditions in the hospital? Literally every patient? The exception is family visitorsโ€”there is no debate, no discussion: if you scream at us at this point I am just having hospital security remove you

  • your kid need high flow nasal cannula for their acute respiratory distress for their bronchiolitis? Iโ€™m working on it as best as I can butโ€ฆwell there is no easy way to tell you thisโ€ฆbut we are kinda running low on those things. And RT is helping intubate a 4th kid this morning in the PICU so they arenโ€™t showing for a while anyway

You and your family should really think about wearing a mask this holiday season.


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I remember reading stories about how when television and western media became widespread in southeast asia all sorts of issues arose among teen girls - depression, anxiety, etc. At the time the right-thinking thing was to comment about the distortionary effects of media on our outlook on life.

But it couldn't possibly be the case that something similar is happening with western girls in 2022 because of social media, right? Nah.

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