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New NYT's article about Tik Tok Tourette's really makes you think about the train question



It's worth reading the full article, but here's some highlights.

Over the next year, doctors across the world treated thousands of young people for sudden, explosive tics. Many of the patients had watched popular TikTok videos of teenagers claiming to have Tourette’s syndrome. A spate of alarming headlines about “TikTok tics” followed.


Four out of five of the adolescents were diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder, and one-third reported past traumatic experiences, according to a study from the University of Calgary that analyzed nearly 300 cases from eight countries. In new research that has not yet been published, the Canadian team has also found a link to gender: The adolescents were overwhelmingly girls, or were transgender or nonbinary — though no one knows why.


Although so-called mass psychogenic illness has occurred throughout history, social media has dissolved the boundaries that once kept it geographically contained.

So I can still use this to hate on zoomers? Thank you.

When they searched for the word “tic” and hundreds of videos popped up, Dr. Pringsheim was stunned.

“This is the person that I saw in my clinic today,” she recalled thinking.

The TikTok influencers were saying the same words — like “beans” and “beetroot” — and making the same motions, like thumping their fists on their chests.


TikTok videos labeled #Tourettes have been viewed 7.7 billion times.

The patients needed to accept two things: that they did not have Tourette’s, and that their twitches were partly under their control. They had to want to get better.

This is tourette's erasure :marseypearlclutch: Heckin conversion therapy :marseypikachu2:

Initially, many of the teenagers seemed hesitant to let go of their tics, Dr. Hnatowich said. Their behavior had some upsides, often allowing them to get more attention from distracted parents or to avoid the social and academic stresses of school.


An overwhelming number of patients had a history of mental health conditions. Two-thirds were diagnosed with anxiety and one-quarter had depression. One-quarter had autism or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Roughly one in five had a prior history of tics.

Eighty-seven percent of the patients were female :marseychonkernoticeme:, a s*x skew that was also found in previous outbreaks of mass psychogenic illness. No one knows why girls are more susceptible to this kind of social influence. One theory is that women may seek out belonging more than men do, and may empathize more strongly with others’ suffering. Women also experience higher rates of depression, anxiety and sexual trauma than men.

At a conference on tic disorders last summer in Lausanne, Switzerland, doctors from several countries shared another observation: A surprising percentage of their patients with the TikTok tics identified as transgender or nonbinary. But without hard data in hand, multiple attendees said, the doctors worried about publicly linking transgender identity and mental illness.

Looking at a sample of 35 patients with the TikTok tics, the researchers found that 15 of the adolescents — 43 percent — were transgender or nonbinary

At a London clinic, about 11 percent of patients were transgender or nonbinary. The head of a large clinic in Paris said 12 percent were gender diverse.

Dr. McVige, the neurologist who treated the girls in Le Roy, said that four out of her seven patients with TikTok tics were transgender, nonbinary or had gender dysphoria. Dr. Gilbert estimated that among his 200 patients in Ohio, 25 to 30 percent were transgender or nonbinary.

Other doctors suspect that a small subset of adolescents with serious mental health issues may be more susceptible to social influences. And during the pandemic, adolescents spent more time online, engaging with increasingly popular content related to mental health and gender, Dr. Hnatowich said.

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Dr. McVige, the neurologist who treated the girls in Le Roy, said that four out of her seven patients with TikTok tics were transgender, nonbinary or had gender dysphoria. Dr. Gilbert estimated that among his 200 patients in Ohio, 25 to 30 percent were transgender or nonbinary.

What could this mean? :#marseythonk::#marseywrongthonk:

There's definitely a lot of nooticing happening in the margins, but the article would probably not have been published if it actually explored this angle further. Which is too bad because I want to know deets.

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Darn that’s crazy wonder if anything else could be “socially contagious”

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The only thing "socially contagious" is Trumpism, chud

Everything else has been debooonked

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This is factually true and backed fully by TheScience TM(C)

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Gender dysphoria is a real and valid medical condition!

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:marseylong1: long

:marseylong3: covid

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LMAO literally named Aidan :marseypass:


lol the whole article probably explains the explosion in ftms too

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Aidan is a real name though? :marseyconfused:

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yeah but it's known to be a stereotypical trans name


and I learned a few more slurs LOL

thanks a lot rationalwiki!

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Oh Aiden, yeah that’s odd.

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To be clear, it's not all women. It's probably not most. I'm married to one who has never done this.

:marseyxd: He said this in the most neurodivergent way possible

I can tell you why, but it isn't popular to say out loud.

Society holds men accountable for their actions, but not women if there's some kind of "explanation". So in order to avoid accountability and not have to examine how their actions and behaviors impact others, they claim some form of condition as cover.

I'm not flaky and unreliable, I have ADHD!

I'm not a cold b-word, I think I am on the spectrum!

I'm not rude and unapproachable, I have anxiety!

I'm not nitpicky, over critical, or spoiled, I am depressed!

It's the natural progression of the old claims of "thyroid conditions" and "naturally slower metabolism" for being obese rather than the gallons of soda and buckets of fried chiciken


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Even from a tiny-butt thumbnail, you can tell that's a busted tr00n :marseydisgust:

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This Aiedn is male at birth, not female at birth which you probably were expecting due to stereotypes.


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npc gender :chudglassesglow:

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allowing them to get more attention from distracted parents

If my kid starts acting like a spastic r-slur in my presence I'm sending them to their room and forgetting about them

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Patent medicine companies, medical people etc knew about this since forever. In fact I believe some of that spreading is intentional psy-op type bullshit to grift the gullible. Wonder why medication for adhd:marseypills: is so popular lmao. And will never get fixed or addressed either, someone will just find a “better” way to rob valid folx (arouses even less suspicion)

Since it’s called “health care” that means it cares for you and makes you healthy :brainletchair:


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They don't make you realize, it's just an fact of life you learn as you age.

Once you realize the only reason you're spending time around females is their kitty, you realize getting it really isn't that big of a deal and bussy is basically the same thing without all the headache.

The important thing is taking the bussy pill before you knock a women up, then you're better off being tied to that gussy for life for the sake of the child.



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