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Offcial rDrama Cutest Pet Beauty Pageant [20k Prize][Iconic 1-time only RARE badge award]

EVERY PET IS CUTE but I want to know which of you sick fricks has the CUTEST pet

Submit your pets in this thread.

(Pics of human slavery is not allowed anymore)

20k MB prize for the CUTEST.

Submissions close Monday (2/20/23) at wheniwakeupAM PST


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My pet died two weeks ago :(

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I feel you. My precious died six months ago, after being with me for 21 years.

It doesn't get easier, at least not so far. But the memories get fonder.

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I'm dreading when the day comes for my girl. She'll be 13 this year and is a mix of large-breed dogs, and has been gray in the muzzle and eyebrows for a few years. Already removed some cancer last year too. I don't think she has more than a couple years left at most :marseysad:

I just keep trying to be happy and encouraging when she rolls around playing or hams it up with mock-tricks, or gets a little burst of puppy-like zoomies for a few minutes. That's how I always want to remember her, all the love and joy she brings.

I'm sorry you lost your pet, 21 years is a long darn time. It hurts man, it hurts :marseycry:

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Thanks. And best wishes to you. I think you definately have the right approach - making her twighlight years as enjoyable as you can for her, and valuing the extra time she has with you.

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Best to you too friend :marseymarseylove:

I don't know if there's really a pet heaven, cartoons when I was a kid told me there was though, and I heard about the rainbow bridge as an adult, so I'm going with it.

Our old pets are all there and still doing what they do - throwing up from eating too fast, chasing each other into corners and not knowing what to do next, getting their heads stuck in plastic bags, fetching boulders or dead rodents instead of the toy we threw. They're not alone though, they're together, and they're all waiting for us to join them and give them pets and smooches again. Until then, they have each other.

If you ever want to share, I know I'd love to hear stories and see photos or videos. And I'm pretty sure most of us Dramatards would too. We may be buttholes, but we wouldn't know how to be without empathy. And from everything I've seen, we pretty much universally love pets - the few who are indifferent know well enough to move along and ignore.

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this gonna be sad but...

bb if u have the money n the means n IF u have to put her down pls pls vets do make house calls it's expensive but better to die at home surrounded by Love than in the back room alone

search in home pet euthanasia for vets in ur area n stay strong sweetie πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ

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There are some in-home vets in the my area for this! My dog actually loves the heck out of my vet, he's awesome and very caring and empathetic. I had to put my cat to sleep about 10 years ago, and he let me stay with her and keep petting her and giving kisses as she drifted off. He actually had tears in his eyes too :(

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good vets r worth they weight in gold bb πŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸΎ

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My old cat that my ex took lived for 20 years. She was such a sweet little cat that thought she was a dog. They really do become a part of your life and I hate how attached I get to them. My sis just had to put down her 13-14 year old German Shepherd and I cried just from the memories and it's not even my dog.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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When one of my aunt's dogs died (def my favorite dog growing up) I even sent her a sympathy card (was living in another state). I felt kinda bad when I didn't send anything when my grandmother passed away but then again she was a mean c*nt and this dog was legit perfect.

He was smart so when he played fetch he knew how to hold the ball just by his teeth so it would be completely dry, no slobber, when he returned it to you to throw again. What an angel.

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I'm so sorry to hear that :(

If you'd like to make a post, I think we would all be supportive. I know us Dramatards can be snarky and shit, but a good lot of us are animal lovers and would want to share and commiserate.

We used to have /h/awww, I dunno what happened to it, but I'm pretty sure @chiobu welcomes of all our pets in /h/chinchilla

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I'm so sorry, friend. :( Hugs to you.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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