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My very own idea for a shitty bait sub, wow!

A subplebbit that supports ethnostates but for native American people only so they can recover from their stolen centuries and reignite their culture. Naturally you have to be at least proven 50% native so no mayofoid posers. I don't know how to call it but you guys can tell me how r-slurred this idea is and suggest some names.

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That 'stolen land' stuff already exists. You just need to take what's there and turn it up a bit. I'd start by calling for people to give up their properties to give back to those whose lands were stolen.

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Yeah, he just has to copy from the mouths of the most extreme Land Back types, it's hard for parody to go any further than that

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Maybe a sub to push towards some kind of practical action.

You claim to be on the side of justice but you sit in your own fancy houses scrolling instagram while indigenous people suffer from the land that you stole from them. Unless you give back your land right now you are NO different than any other coloniser that invades a country and steals its resources.

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