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The head /r/conspiracy nutjob that I got banned from Reddit has a hilarious "documentary" made about him to secure his "digital legacy". It's 3 hours of infantile lies and cringe.



The Tammy Duckworth stuff.. yeah, that was me. After emailing dozens of congressional aides over the years, it was that representative's team that decided it was worthy to briefly speak about. It took a single email that contained a total of three exchanges. A Slack meeting was talked about so I could present a bunch of things, but they apparently decided it wasn't necessary. Why would it be? Just pull up the sub at any given moment after a short lesson in internet code language / dog whistles.

Suck my pee pee, /axo. Shit's *wild, son!

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Look at this cute twink


I have been here since the subs inception. On reddit almost 15yrs on this account

This subreddit is completely ruined by shills. Nothing ever gets done.. Its all just arguing with these azzhats.

This is one of the most highly manipulated and censored believe it or not subs on reddit. Subtle censorship but it is constant. Only content negative of the left is removed while anti trump spam is constant.

I have honestly stepped back and almost stopped using reddit after all this time. I can no longer wear my fav reddit shirt because I don't wanna be confused with some bluu hair loon. I used to wear that shirt and spark up convos and recommend reddit to people I considered intelligent.


I just want to wear my reddit shirt :soysnoo::chudsmug::soyreddit::soyjakyell::brainletmaga:

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15 year old reddit account you say :#marseytroublemaker:

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I'm gonna bust

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"r/conspiracy in the most manipulated subreddit believe it or not" says the dude who spent 15yrs posting conspiritard shit on Reddit that no one cares about IRL.

...but wait some budget-tier congressional biofoid's intern referenced our sperging as cheap fodder to show how dumb their biggest intellectual adversary in life is. See showed you what we're doing is important and valid

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