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Jannies kind of mad that they can't block the Christian /u/HeGetsUs ad account


/r/Atheism janny

this particular advertiser violates the subreddit rules for a sub I'm a moderator of.

Nooo it's against the rules :soycry: You can't have christ on my atheist sub :ragejak:

WitchesVsPatriarchy janny

I made the post 9 days ago edit: a different post on modsupport 17 days ago about the same issue . I got the same response as you to my modmail - escalating to another team. Since then my subreddit has had dozens of posts and hundreds maybe thousands? of additional comments from users complaining about these ads.

Her previous modsupport post


And examples of witch seethe about the account



LSD and mescaline janny

This pisses me off so much. I’m sick of seeing that religious ad, as well as baby/parenting/pregnancy ads as a childfree person. ... This is making me want to avoid Reddit, despite being a longtime user and mod.

How can one advertiser be so :marseybased:

I’ve also blocked the account and have had multiple users complain to me. I run r/weddingdress, tons of the users aren’t Christian and I certainly am not. I report these ads as hate speech when I still see them

:marseylaughpoundfist: Stop it! I don’t want to see your ads. It's literally hatespeech :soycry:

Now I'm wondering - if a user is banned from a subreddit, can they still purchase ads for that subreddit? Because if admins are pulling a "twitter checkmark" thing here where you can say whatever you want so long as you fork over a few bucks, that would be a huge opportunity for trolling.

:marseyhesright: Are there any schizo millionaires among us?

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How much does it cost to run ads on Reddit

Can we promote some random page that’s like “Christian landlords against abortion”

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I feel like the landlord thing is overdone at this point, a group reddit really despises is golfers. Imagine an ad to donate to a project that turns public parks into golf courses.

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bring fitness to America by privatizing parks!

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Advocates for Cars in Cities

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make sidewalks narrow so cars have more space

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It's safer because you can pay attention to things around you instead of keeping straight.

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Pedestrian-free zones to increase vehicle traffic throughput

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What was that sub?

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Golfing is genunely r-slurred ngl

I despise that my city cuts down beautiful forest so that boomers can golf

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I feel like the landlord thing is overdone at this point

So do the renthogs, and yet, they still rent :marseycapitalistmanlet:

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Free golf courses though

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What would generate more :marseycopeseethedilate::

  • Christian Landlords Against Abortion

  • Pagan Renters For Minority Abortion Rights

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Those are funny but I doubt reddit will approve it

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Special edition "defund the police" soylent?

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It probably falls under political advertisements: https://redditinc.force.com/helpcenter/s/article/Reddit-Advertising-Policy-Overview

The only way to know for sure is to send in an ad for approval but it looks like ID verification would be required and that probably puts most people here off lol


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What if you just send a fake ID from a third world country?

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You can but I don't know how strict reddit is, for many ad networks it would be a red flag if you're from the third world lol

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>it would be a red flag if you're from the third world

At least something works the way it should :marseysaluteusa:

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ironically the ones doing the flagging are likely from the third world too :marseyxd:

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More comments

Both are too on the nose and probably wouldn’t get approved, especially the second

Maybe Unitarian Universalists but Natalist

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@chiobu thoughts?

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Yea you can do more than that, set up a fake ad campaign on a free ad tracker like BeMob and make it seem legit and link it to something credible just for reddit's compliance team to approve the ad and after that switch out the link to rdrama or something lol

Prolly run a CPM campaign on reddit so it doesn't get too expensive


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Can we do this for a bait-and-switch that drops redpill on bardfinn?

The chimpout would be epic. I would actually volunteer resources for this.

What's Reddit's cpm? Like 0.00000001?

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ooof it's 3.5 cpm minimum :!marseymerchant:


CPC seems better based on estimates


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Can you target specific subreddits or topics?

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yes you can!


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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren: Reset the counter! Current counter was: 0 days 00 hours 59 minutes and 49 seconds

Record is 1 days 07 hours 34 minutes and 41 seconds by peepeehands

longest streak broken in the last 7 days was meatrocket8 which was 0 days 18 hours 01 minutes and 01 seconds

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█████████████████████ 41 03-23
█████                 9  03-24
███████████           22 03-25
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Best friend is ACA with 203 mentions

rdrama is currently running at 239.969 µBardyhertz with 3216 total mentions since 2022-09-24

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The best part is we all know how desperate Reddit is for as revenue that they'll pretty much greenlight anything

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Be creative, or else leddit will not allow these ads at all :marseyclueless:

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Probably not, but the he gets us thing is just christian promotion, and that's enough to piss them off.

So register a non-profit and just have headline like "God loves you" or "Satan loves you" for the rightoid bait.

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Christian Landlords Against Marijuana

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Can we promote some random page that’s like “Christian landlords against abortion”


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just use an ad blocker lmao are they r-slurred

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But that hurts Reddit, don't you know that?


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anything that hurts reddit is a positive good

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reddit, like twitter should be considered a public utility, like a ditch or a urinal or your mom

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I can bet that most of these tards are either tech illiterate zoomers who have no idea what an adblock/ublock origin is, or only use the reddit app via-mobile or tablets :zoomersoy::soyjakhipster:.

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The number of redditors (derogatory) who don't know what old reddit looks like is kinda sad tbh

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The old interface also deterred normies somewhat as the ui learning curve was slightly steeper than usual

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I dunno, I feel like the new interface is more complicated.

The old interface was like "here, here's all the things in a list, now learn to code to make it fancy. Here's the sub with guides and walk-through to show you how".

The new interface is like "here, you want this? well click this, and this, and then this, and then this again to type some things. And now click 4 more things to get back to the first list, and then do it all over again for the next thing. Also, it won't be as unique as Old, but whatever, deal with it". It's way more involved for each step with less payout.

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The big issue with the old interface was that every sub could (and all the big ones did) customize the layout so all the UI cues changed as you navigated around the site.

Which was great when it was a collection of individual communities with a single login, but not good for a corp trying to increase engagement.

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They basically sanitized and streamlined the whole thing, and it sucks now.

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The new interface is like "here, you want this? well click this, and this, and then this, and then this again to type some things. And now click 4 more things to get back to the first list, and then do it all over again for the next thing. Also, it won't be as unique as Old, but whatever, deal with it". It's way more involved for each step with less payout.

That's such a trope in web design.

The stuff that make us most money? Front page, takes up 60% of the interface.

Oh you want to do something else? It's 5 clicks away, hidden in some context menu that makes no sense.

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Most of them probably use the app, so no adblock

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Seriously. I've literally never seen an ad on reddit.

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They probably use the official app like r-slurs

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GoFundMe to place ProLife ads in TwoX

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Gofundme to place school and baaby clothes ads on /childfree

I mean, I'm not gonna donate to it but

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I wonder if their ad system has any sort of white list/black list system. Surely they have something that stops an ad about baby formula from popping up on a subreddit about supporting women who have had miscarriages? Right? And a system more complex than hoping some random Indian contractors understand the connection and why it’s inappropriate

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lol, they aren't that competent, they would just rely on the jannies to brigade it

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Presumably the advertisers pick some target subs as demographics. They probably dont expect anyone to pick any combos guaranteed to not work

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The tried and true method of "let someone else do it"

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This ad cannot be removed, the amount of drama it has created is worth too much. Just ignore it like everybody else; if it wasn’t for the drama it’s created I would have no idea like every other ad.

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Theres an ad for oatmilk that gets a high level of aeethe of no good reason and it was entretaining to me

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Do you have the picture of the ad?

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thats not a picture of the ad

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In 2013 when /u/AALewis wrote the "In this moment, I am euphoric" copypasta, this phrase was immortalized as a meme, and the entire fricking internet dunked on him and the insufferable reddit/internet nu-atheists that had become more obnoxious than Evangelicals, and the "Euphoric Neckbeard" archetype is til this day 10 years later still associated with reddit and its users, but now in 2023, simply the presence of a generic religious ad is enough to make redditors sperg the frick out and claim that it is hate speech?

Just..... what the actual frick has been going on with redditors? how do these people live like outside of reddit? if this "multiple redditors have a mental breakdown over a simple Christian ad on the site" incident happened in 2013, this would have been mercilessly mocked, and perhaps even have gone to the annals of internet history like the euphoric atheist copypasta, and til this day would have countless YouTube videos, forum threads, and wiki articles detailing and archiving the spergout in Internet Historian-esque detail, but now, redditor behavior like this is seen as a common occurrence?

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aalewis was unironically the tipping point for online atheism. I don't mean the guy that just doesn't believe in God, I mean that guy, the one who would scoff at religous people for being stupid dimwits.

I was a Christian at that point. The resulting culture shift that I saw happening over the next few years was the most glorious thing I have ever seen on the internet. You have to understand how Christians felt about the internet at that point in time - in my experience prior to that point, I thought of the internet as being entirely against who I was. (Probably the biggest reason I hate reddit still)

Who would have guessed that we'd have right-wingers openly LARPing as Christians on a nihlistic cat webforum by 2023? Alas, the days of the internet being hostile to Christians was probably better for them. Now Christchuds spend their days online instead of outside touching grass, getting married, and having large families of annoying children.

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I was a Christian at that point.

HeyMoon's shameful past.


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I don't get it :marseysad:

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i am NOT ashamed of the one who saved my soul

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Are you still a Christian?

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It's complicated, lol. I've grown a lot since then. However I still try to act like a Christian because people like me when I do

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Reddit used to matter (to the extent that anything on the internet "matters") and not it doesn't. Don't overthink this shit.

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