Sperg Drama as AI researcher enrages lesswrong autists by calling for :marseymacarthur: over AI


Eliezer "Shlomo" Yudkowsky is one of biggest names in the small world of AI alignment research (which is research into making sure AI doesn't go full skynet on us) and recently he stirred up the hornets nest of bleeding heart lesswrong moralists by calling for any country that doesn't abide by AI safety protocols to get :marseymacarthur::marseymushroomcloud: LessWrong spergs are pretty infamous for being limpwrist hippies so this made them pretty mad.

I'll leave it up to you guys to decide if you agree with him or not but it seems like his statement has gotten a lot of people angry. He as been doing nothing but damage control on his twitter:


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>not running your own Berkeley based math-themed rationalist s*x cult with multiple known internet personalities around the world including having your own internet forum for people who think ai is going to replace, eat and kill them (not necessarily in this order) while also having your own contrived fake research center for ai he baits rich people to get into so he can grift more and focus on writing more harry potter fanfiction

absolutely not gonna make it

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Pinning the weasel :marseyhomofascist:

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He constantly simps for Aella girl on twitter.

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I'm not qualified to serve you the full yudpill but yes basically all of that happened


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Berkeley people are weird

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Shut down all the large GPU clusters. Kill all the large GPU clusters. Roundhouse kick all the large GPU clusters into the E-waste pile. Etc

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What you heard when you were younger was a lie spread by far right fascists.




!reportmaxxers ASSEMBLE! :marseycrusader:

:siren: https://www.reddit.com/report :siren:

Some people deserve to get roughed up, even if it's illegal to do so.


:marseydisagree: Pacifism is the only way!

I thunk Ukraine is already facing the worse possible scenario and I have little empathy for Russians who don't rise up against their government, even if some of them are ultimately victims themselves. Putin doesn't deserve to live and 8 have every reason to beleive killing putin helps Ukraine more than it hurts them. This invasion is his pet project. L

:marseypearlclutch: Calling for an insurrection!?

I have a feeling incels are latching on to this story because it satisfys their need for incel justice when a women gets put in her place. I'm kinda of the feeling that you deserve to get shot of you follow me home.

Edit: I love the downvotes, especially when I am right. L

:soyquack: :marseyshooting:

You're the only one who seems to be recognizing the reddit hypocrisy. Vigilantes is okay (this situation), until its not (Kyle Rittenhouse). Cops acting above the lawn is terrible and proof of a corrupt society but dude stomping on a guy's head while he's on the ground is good because he wasn't trained professionally how to curb stomp lol

Honestly, dude did deserve a couple of pops imo but im mote surprised at the reaction in the comments. I guess public freakout tends to lean right tho so that might explain the discrepancy. L

Violence! :marseygasp: But I love seeing another leftoid sneed about Kylie. :marseylaugh:

In general though, I don't understand people downplaying US role in Iraq. Sadam was a POS and he deserved to die L

Whoa! You can't say someone deserved to die! :marseyshook:

Thus dude fricked up and he definitely deserved a few licks while they tried capturing him but they looked like the fricked his butt up while he was on the ground and out of a commission. L

:marseylickinglips: :marseylickinglips: :marseylickinglips:

More of his tough guy leftoid nonsense:

You won learn anything. Prison doesn't make people better. If you were sitting in a Russian prison for weed, im busting you out immediately. It's fricking wrong and you wouldn't deserve. But I beleive humanity and reasonable punishment, unlike you apparently. Never seen an American so pro russia before.. well minus 45 and his enablers.

Are you a marxist? Because you're talking like one. Not that is necessarily bad, but most people don't view hierarchies as bad and you're not acknowledging the reality that decisions at the VP level can make or break a company.

Yes, you are correct that the whole business model doesn't work without the employees on the front line but that doesn't mean they deserve all surplus value from their labor.

That being said, if they were able to unionize, they'd probably be much better jobs like factory workers in the 50s and 60s.

Can't help but spurg about leftism in /r/funny of all places. :marseydisagree:

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Shut down all large BIPOC clusters. Shut down all the BIPOC training runs. Put a ceiling on how much BIPOC power anyone is allowed to use in training a BIPOC, and move it downward over the coming years to compensate for more efficient BIPOC algorithms. No exceptions for anyone, including governments and militaries. Make immediate multinational agreements to prevent the prohibited BIPOCs from moving elsewhere. Track all BIPOCs. If intelligence says that a country outside the agreement is building a BIPOC cluster, be less scared of a shooting conflict between nations than of the moratorium being violated. Be willing to destroy a rogue BIPOC by air strike

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They should make a video like this https://i.rdrama.net/images/1680191150417323.webp

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The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster on the human race

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Watching Yudcucksky become more and more insane as AGI becomes more likely has been very funny. I hope the nanobot replicators turn his body into goo first.

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How about instead of his plan, we destroy all computers on earth and begin the return to monke?



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That page he posted reads like Total AI Death.


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put every AI researcher into the gas chambers

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Dramatic irony requires Yudkowsky and some of his fellow s*x creeps being rendered to an AI-run black site for :quote: enhanced interrogation :quote:.

(in Minecraft: Hardcore Mode)

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AI alignment research (which is research into making sure AI doesn't go full skynet on us)

Aka idle circlejerking "intellectualism" aka research grant grifting.

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