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It's time to get rdrama.net properly categorized!

After reading about how someones going to get fired for browsing this site at work. I had a brain wave.

How do the current web content filters actually view our site? If you don't know what they are, content filters pretty much categorize most sites on the web, allowing you to easily block certain categories you don't want in your workplace. Some of them allow you to look up a site for free and even request to have it changed.

Let see how WebPlulse owned by Symantecβ„’ views rdrama:

Political/Social Advocacy

I think i'm going to be sick :marseypuke: No time to waste we need to correct the record immediately.

Another site is Fortiguard Labs:

Category: Entertainment

Close. But I don't think it truly captures what the site is about.

Cyren Website URL Filter:


Yeah that filter is terrible. At least it got more categories to choose from.

Feel free to post more sites below. The sooner we can get this site universally recognized as an LGBTQI support group, the stronger @SpaceMilk discrimination lawsuit will be.

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I know my workplace customer vistor wireless blocks reddit. Which is nice.

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